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Tsai launches Taiwan’s National Human Rights Commission

August 03, 2020
President Tsai Ing-wen (second left) and Control Yuan President Chen Chu (third left) take part in the launch of the National Human Rights Commission Aug. 1 in Taipei City. (Courtesy of Presidential Office)
President Tsai Ing-wen launched National Human Rights Commission Aug.1 in Taipei City, describing the body as testament to the efforts of the government to strengthen related protections while ensuring Taiwan remains a globally recognized beacon of freedom and democracy.
It has been a long and winding road to realizing the NHRC as per the Paris Principles adopted in 1993 by the UN. General Assembly, Tsai said. Taiwan has come the full circle from infringing upon human rights to protecting and promoting them, she added.
According to Tsai, many individuals deserve credit for establishing the NHRC. The process involved setting up a consultancy commission, bringing local laws in line with international standards and implementing a review mechanism for national reports, she said.
But these efforts paid handsome dividends, Tsai said. The NHRC is fully equipped to competently and efficiently investigate alleged human rights violations, as well as conduct advocacy, facilitate international cooperation and exchanges, publish reports, and research and review policies, she added.
The Control Yuan, Tsai said, will ensure these core functions are performed to the highest standard before guiding the NHRC on its next mission of enhancing and promoting Taiwan’s world-class human rights regime.
It is envisaged the NHRC will eventually become one of the most respected bodies of its kind, Tsai said. This will afford Taiwan an outstanding opportunity to better share its experiences with like-minded partners throughout the Indo-Pacific and around the world, she added. (TYT-E)
Write to Taiwan Today at ttonline@mofa.gov.tw

