Although China is not a Christian country, it is undeniably one of the most religious lands in the world. The Chinese civilization has been described as Confucian and Confucianism has been described as a philosophy. On the other hand, Confucianism has many of the attributes of religion: temples and a priesthood that might be regarded as resembling that of the Quakers with every believer a priest.
Since earliest times, the Chinese people have believed in a supreme being or moral force which rules the world and is personally involved in the affairs of mankind. The ruler is subject to moral dictates prescribed by Heaven. When Confucius kept his distance from religion, he was avoiding superstition rather than rejecting belief in powers transcending those of humans.
Over a period of several thousand years, China has known and been influenced by most of man's major religions: Taoism, Buddhism, Islam and Christianity in all forms and denominations. China has developed faiths of its own. All have gone into the great cultural craw of China, there to be ground up and made a part of the Chinese ethos. Although religion has occasionally come under attack, the traditional Chinese way has been that of dissemination and assimilation. The Constitution of the Republic of China assures freedom of religion, but this is only a reassertion of the practice of the centuries.
In the wake of the Kaohsiung incident of last December 10 and the political activities of the Presbyterian Church and some clergymen, the director general of the Government Information Office of the Republic of China, Dr. James C.Y. Soong, has reaffirmed Christianity's "contributions" and "important role" in the nation's overall development. He appealed to his fellow countrymen "not to ignore the church's contributions to our society and country just because a few clergymen have done wrongful things." To do so, he said, would be grossly unfair.
He spoke in Chinese at the Tien Educational Center in Taipei to a group of some 500 college students and others, most of them Christians. In an hour-long address, he discussed the government's policy toward religion in general and the Christian church in particular. It was the first time since the death of President Chiang Kai-shek in 1975 that a ranking official had publicly discussed Christianity or any other religion at such length. The late President was a devout Christian and authority on the Bible. China's other great leader of modem times, Dr. Sun Yat-sen, the founding father of the Republic, was also a devoted Christian.
Dr. Soong began by calling attention to "domestic events of the last six months or so" which "have caused concern and stirred discussion at home and abroad. There have been misunderstandings about the government's attitude toward religion. Some people have even asked whether the government will persecute Christians."
The 38-year-old U.S.-educated government spokesman said he wished to speak to Christians "sincerely and seriously about Christianity in our society." He himself is not a Christian, but he noted that he was reared in a religious family. His father was a Buddhist. His mother and two younger sisters are Protestant Christians; his wife is a Catholic. He received Catholic instruction before his marriage and has studied the teachings of the Bible.
To be a Christian, Dr. Soong said, it would seem to be "supremely important to understand love. The Christian should love not only the God in which he believes and which he worships, but also his brothers and sisters in Christ and all others. Love is a wonderful and warm word. It can transform disquiet into harmony and bad into good. It can nurture all God's creatures and fill the world with brightness and hope. Love must not be misunderstood or abused. The misuse of love can undermine the most harmonious of human relations and disturb the peace and order of nations and societies."
The issuance of a political "declaration" by the Presbyterian Church of Taiwan, Dr. Soong said, led to disputation. "Should Christians participate in politics? If so, to what extent? How can politics and religion be coordinated? People from many walks of life have shown concern about these questions."
He said that after the Kaohsiung incident (in which 183 security personnel were injured by rioters), a Presbyterian minister and some of his colleagues were tried on charges of helping Shih Ming-teh, one of riot ringleaders, to escape. "This," Dr. Soong said, "focuses new attention on the life, utterances, conduct and political participation of Christians and missionaries.
"Some of the people in our society may not fully understand Christianity. They may think that one minister can represent the whole Presbyterian Church, which in turn may represent the whole of the Christian faith and the totality of Christians. Some newspapers, magazines, television channels and radio stations have given voice to people who accuse the Christians of accepting foreign control and of harboring 'improper political ambitions.' This led to declarations by many domestic denominations asserting that they had no relationship with the Presbyterian Church and calling on Christians to pay more attention to spiritual cultivation and less to political participation."
Dr. Soong said he felt that the image of Christianity and Christians in the Republic of China had been "misunderstood and distorted." "As you are aware," he continued, "our country has religious freedom. The Constitution specifically provides that the people shall have freedom of religious belief. Orthodox religions have complete respect in our country. Religious activities have been steadily increasing. How could anyone think that we should suppress religion or persecute Christians?" He expressed hope for a "rectification of views."
"All of us know," he said, "that constructive beliefs and firm faith are very important to human life. The devoted and steadfast mind can overcome selfish desires and generate unconquerable strength. A man who believes in his religion is blessed. He can hope to live a more solid and constructive life than nonbelievers; he can have peace of mind and reason to rejoice. I think you have greater experience and a clearer understanding of this than I do. I believe it is with grateful minds that you join in Christian fellowship, propagate the gospel to your schoolmates and enthusiastically spread the 'tidings of good news.'
"In our modern political history, there have been two great men the national father, Dr. Sun Yat-sen, and the late President Chiang Kai-shek. Both were devoted Christians. The late President sowed the seeds of the gospel in a quiet and inconspicuous way. He said: 'I take pleasure in persuading people to read the Bible, which speaks in the voice of the Holy Ghost.' He suggested on many occasions that non-Christians read Streams in the Desert (a book by Mrs. Charles E. Cowman counseling daily devotion to God and a Christian life) so that they might have belief and faith in difficult and lonely moments and thereby overcome their difficulties.
"Considering that belief is so important to life and such a positive good, Christians should have great faith, hope and love. Possibly they should be more enthusiastic than others in social activities to serve the people and more concerned with politics. The separation of religion from politics has been debated for centuries. But now it is generally held that religious proselyters might participate in politics but not use religion to interfere with government. This is similar to the attitude toward the military, which may participate in politics but not use the gun to interfere with government.
"Men of the cloth, military personnel and politicians should take part in the administration of the people's affairs only as members of society. If they use their organizations as the capital of political participation and show bias in their political advocacies, the rights and well-being of the majority will be harmed. This will be both unreasonable and harmful to the nation and society.
"In past years, my Christian relatives and friends have spoken to me along this line: 'Christian faith is a force that encourages people to go forward instead of retreating to find consolation or spiritual attachments.' This being the case, I think the Christians should not hide themselves in churches to seek spiritual cultivation and give no attention to mundane affairs. On the contrary, a Christian should enter into society, and, relying on his greater wisdom and strength, should play his varying roles well in the different stages of his life or at the same time.
"At one and the same time, you may be a student, a son or daughter, tutor, sister or brother, somebody's boy friend or girl friend, a worker for evangelical fellowship, etc. As a Christian, you have prayed to the God in which you believe to give you wisdom and capability. I think you have every reason for success.
"By the same token, Christians and members of the clergy are not to be blamed for feeling that as members of society they should be concerned about politics and the reform of society. There are, however, the pre-conditions that they should possess more love and goodwill than non-Christians and that they should be prudent in their active political participation.
"Compared with those who have no religious beliefs, Christians and members of the clergy must shoulder greater responsibility because they are also responsible to Almighty God and have accepted a higher plane of religious ethics than is required the laws of society. To take part in political deliberation and to act as the spokesman of God will not befit the Christian way but rather will humiliate the God that is worshiped.
"We may cite the example of the few church people who issued the recent political 'declaration.' They have been criticized by public opinion for 'urging the government to make Taiwan a new and independent country.' Recently they were involved in legal proceedings because they were suspected of helping Shih Ming-teh escape. These occurrences have not been helpful to our country and society.
"Of those arrested for covering up for Shih Ming-teh, the Christians all said they did so because they have 'loving hearts' and were unwilling to see him arrested and brought to trial. Although Shih has been convicted, the fact he committed the crime of sedition is not a subject for personal judgment and criticism. The duty of a modem citizen is to respect the rule of law and leave justice to the judicial authorities.
"Looking at the problem from another point of view, are we to protect a person if we consider him to be innocent and lynch him if we privately judge him to be guilty? If we decline to respect the dignity of the law, approve of lynchings and indulge in private punishments, we shall be interfering with law enforcement and the judicial authorities in the exercise of their legitimate legal functions. This will have a bad effect on society and the country.
"As for a loving heart, we are not questioning anyone's love of society. Bu t to protect Shih Ming-teh while plunging society into an atmosphere of doubt and suspicion is contrary, I think, to the objective meaning of love. Only Shih was 'loved,' although he was wanted on suspicion of instigating violence. These church people sent no one to console the wounded and hospitalized among the 183 personnel injured in the Kaohsiung incident. Is it any wonder that some people asked critically: 'What kind of love is this?' "...
"After the arrest of a few members of the Presbyterian Church on charges of providing refuge for Shih, the Church issued an internal statement approving the stand of its clergymen as 'showing concern for the country's future and the people's welfare with matchless courage and love.' The Chinese have always attached importance to loyalty and filial piety. At the same time, they consider 'foolish loyalty' and 'foolish filial piety' as futile. Today we feel bewildered and distressed at the showing of 'foolish courage' and 'foolish love' growing out of misunderstanding about the country's direction and future."
Dr. Soong admitted that the Republic of China must admit to some defects both as a country and government. The people, he said, can follow the dictum of "the greater the love, the stronger the criticism" and make constructive criticisms of the government. He said the government is organized for the people and its purpose is to serve them. "We should feel concerned about the government and seek its improvement," he said. "However, if anyone creates problems and instigates disputes out of a philosophy of 'never mind the turmoil,' or disseminates unfavorable and groundless remarks for overseas consumption, he will be acting contrary to the dictates of 'love' and 'harmony.' "
He related the instance of a distorted story about alleged Taiwan child labor in a United Presbyterian publication. It was illustrated with the picture of handicapped girls doing handicraft work in a school for the retarded. But the caption alleged that the photograph was taken in a factory where "10-year-old girls" often work "up to 12 or 15 hours a day." The article also claimed relations between Taiwanese and mainlanders were strained, that rich and poor had been polarized and that the government has contributed to the wealth of U.S. multinational corporations. Picture and article defamed the Republic of China, Dr. Soong said, but when the Government Information Office asked for correction, the response was that it was supported by the investigation of a clergyman. "We are perplexed by this untrue report of the United Presbyterians and this conduct of a clergyman," Dr. Soong said. "What benefits did this hold for the more than 17 million people of our country? This article only humiliated and pained us deeply." ... "I regret that a clergyman should have provided false information. I also regret that a worldwide church organization such as the United Presbyterians should have distorted their reporting. It is difficult to discern their motives and purposes. We can, however, be sure that this conduct has violated the precepts of the Bible. One of the Ten Commandments says: 'You shall not bear false witness.' "
Dr. Soong said the government will never arrest or refrain from arresting anyone because of special status. "By the same token," he said, "our government will never and should never let anyone get off free or not get off free solely out of political considerations. A country has its laws just as a family has its rules. The government may let a liar go unpunished, but the judicial authorities are entitled to handle and must take up a case involving those who are suspected of seriously challenging the state and the dignity of law by harboring a criminal with a high price on his head. How can such a case not be handled in accordance with law merely because clergymen are involved or foreign influence has been brought to bear? "
More and not less should be expected of Christians and clergymen, Dr. Soong said, because they "make up a privileged group who can go into the presence of God to obtain wisdom and strength and thereby remain in the right and on life's smooth track. But if they cannot keep their hearts clean and pure to let God in, and if they cannot serve God as the master, Satan will slip in and destroy their faith. If this happens, they will deviate from God's way and move farther and farther away from God until they perish and rot.
"Many Christian friends have told me: 'No evil can be permanently concealed in this world. God will test a man's heart and check his intentions. God will search out the untold story concealed in darkness and expose the motives of evil. Everything that is concealed will be bared and nothing will remain uncovered.' Some of them believe God is chastening a group of his wayward children for taking advantage of the case of Shih Ming-teh. I am not a Christian. I should not make unsupported surmises about God's intentions. I do believe and insist that if a man has made a mistake, he must pay for it, and that if a worker of God has made a mistake, he should be chastened by God.
"I recognize that the handful of Christian figures who have become enmeshed in a legal case and detained will be isolated from the people and mundane affairs until the final judgment is made. In this time of quiet, these figures may reach into the depths of their hearts, restore their communications with God, hear God's whisper and obtain his enlightenment and leadership. Maybe this will provide a turning point in the lives of these people. Maybe they will take this opportunity to purify their hearts and return to the presence of God. Maybe they can rededicate themselves to the pursuit of religious truth, be summoned and blessed by God and become his competent workers once again.
"I regard churchgoers' prayers for such people as a normal expression of humanity. The quietness of prayer and the waiting for the receiving of blessings are good. To pray for God's help and guidance for the few who have lost their way is an expression of love. If there are 99 sheep and one is missing, the shepherd must not cease trying to find it.
"My Christian friends also told me that when a group meets in the name of God, God must be there with them. If one follows the Lord's wishes, the Lord will assure his success. I am sure that when Christians meet and pray, God is there to listen. But we must make sure that what we seek is consistent with God's wishes, so he can help us succeed. This, I think, is the point that Christians who pray for others must think over and over. If one's words and deeds are not honest and sincere. God will be disgraced and will surely chasten him. When one is chastened, he will be unhappy. He will feel pain but will not know until later that this is good"
The way to end the trouble and terminate the controversy caused by a few church lies by way of "love," Dr. Soong said. "Love will not hurt the people," he said. "Love is the backbone of virtue. Love is the source of harmony. You know this better than I. So I hope you Christians will take up this responsibility. If all of you scatter seeds of love in every comer of society, your contribution to the country and society will be immense."
The government, Dr. Soong said, seeks no pound of punishment. "Although some church people have made controversial statements and a few have been detained on charges of violating the law, the government will never rejoice and say gloatingly: 'Now I've got you!' A controversy is always a setback for the unity of a country and will have an undesirable effect."... "Jealousy and prejudice are likely to cause controversy and trouble, but total unselfishness and fraternal forgiveness can settle controversy, repair the schism and heal the trauma.
"I must reiterate that we have been deeply distressed by recent events. We have never had smug feelings when people must be punished. I have been deeply pained and worried. South Vietnam had the most modern U.S. military equipment before its fall but could not resist internal strife and schism. David defeated Goliath with a slingshot and faith. Confidence and cohesion are indispensable for any country. Internal strife will provide foreigners with an excuse for intervention and may give the enemy opportunity to exploit weakness. With such grave consequences, how can we not consider them in advance?
"Society has misunderstood the Christians and it is not easy to restore their bright image. But I am sure you have confidence in emerging victorious. Let me repeat: We have recognized the effects of belief and the purity and goodness of Christian faith. The trouble is that a small number of Christians has distorted the people's impression.
"In the case of the Presbyterian Church, I know that Presbyterian missionaries first brought the gospel to Taiwan. In the last 100 years and longer, they have built in Taiwan churches, hospitals, schools, orphanages and homes for the aged. The Presbyterian Church has contributed tremendously to social services and public welfare while engaging in religious activities. It is certainly unfair for the public to negate such a time-honored church and its contributions merely because of the misdeeds of a handful of clergymen. I urge you not to indulge in a blanket negation because of the wrong words and deeds of the few. Such an indictment would be unfair and could only lead to schism."
Dr. Soong said a "really blessed man must be peaceful and happy, conscientious and honest. This is what we Chinese mean in saying: 'Never be ashamed whether you look up to the sky or down to the earth.' I believe it is not difficult for a man who believes in Christ to admit his weakness before God, often to beseech wisdom and strength from God and always to be ready to do good things.... In brief, we eagerly hope Christians and their clergy will join in efforts to restore the rightful public impression of Christianity. Moreover, we hope prayers of Christians for those who have gone astray will move God to help them return to the right track and again carryon their search for faith, regain their strength and conduct themselves soundly in keeping with their repentance."
Concluding, Dr. Soong said: "Let us love ourselves, love others, love our country; let us always strive to cultivate self-respect, self-confidence and mutual trust. I believe these few simple concepts may be regarded as the basis for self-reliance and for building a stronger and better society."
Dr. Soong's remarks were widely quoted in the Chinese press of Taiwan and won a favorable response editorially and in letters from readers. There was general agreement that freedom of religion is one of the most important constitutional guarantees of the Republic of China but that this does not confer any special prerogatives or immunities. Respect for all religions - not merely Christianity - was emphasized. In this respect, the late President Chiang Kai-shek was quoted as saying: "The philosophy of life initiated by Confucius and expounded by Mencius and annotated by the Confucianists of the Han Dynasty has become a philosophical system unsurpassed in the world. Yet the Chinese people have unprejudicially accepted foreign religions and, capturing the quintessence of their philosophical contents, have regarded them as a new source of enlightening to be placed beside China's own philosophy of life. Buddhism was introduced into China from India and Tibet during the years after the Wei and Tsin Dynasties (221-420); Islam was taught in China during the Sung and Yuan periods (960-1368); Christianity found its way into China as the Ming rulers lost out to the Ch'ing conquerors (c. 1644). The rise of all these religions in China has contributed to the growth of the Chinese intellect."
Thousands of temples and churches are open in the Republic of China. They are manned by priests and nuns of many faiths and denominations. People worship in them freely. On the other hand, no one is compelled to worship. Religion is a matter of individual conscience. On the Chinese mainland under Communism, all temples have been closed or converted to nonreligious use. For show purposes, two Christian churches are open in Peiping. The so-called Catholic Church of the mainland does not accept the authority of Rome and is not accepted by the Vatican. In their hearts, however, many of the hundreds of millions of mainland people adhere to one faith or another. They are not atheists. Millions of them suffered persecution and hundreds of thousands lost their lives in the usurpation of the Communists. Today they wait for religious emancipation.
Dr. Soong was defending and not questioning or attacking the religious environment of the Republic of China as the repository of freedom of religion for Chinese everywhere. He was speaking personally and not in the name of the government. Nevertheless, the government's position is virtually the same. Religion is the free possession of the people. It will not be taken away; it will not be constrained. At the same time, it may not be misused or seized upon as a concealment by those who might hurt the people and the country in its name.
Since Dr. Soong spoke, several religious groups have visited the Republic of China to assess the situation for themselves. They found a land where religious expression is more common and perhaps more sincere than in most places of the world today. They were not asked to take positions for or against what happened in the incidents discussed by Dr. Soong, but only to tell what they found with regard to freedom of religion. All agreed with Dr. Soong that freedom of belief is unhampered in the territories under control of Free China.