17. Nguyen Van Minh, vice chairman of the Vietnamese Constituent Assembly, arrives for a six-day visit.
19. A 24-member Honduran goodwill mission led by Lieutenant Colonel Mario Enrique Chinchilla, deputy commander of the Honduran Air Force, arrives for a five-day visit.
Korean Defense Minister Kim Sung Eun arrives for a brief visit.
20. Khor Eng Hee, first Malaysian consul to China, arrives.
21. The eighth Agricultural Seminar for Africans is opened in Taipei.
The sixth Sino-Japanese banana conference is opened in Taipei.
22. Tang Tsung, new ambassador to Korea, leaves for Seoul.
Rhee Hyo Sang, speaker of the Korean National Assembly, arrives for a five-day visit.
A 35-member Korean economic mission arrives for a two-day visit.
Toufic Aouad, new Lebanese ambassador, arrives.
23. The Executive Yuan appoints Hsueh Yu-chi ambassador to Canada.
Lieutenant General Thuenchai Kosinanonth, deputy chief of staff of the Thai Army, arrives for a week's visit.
24. American Ambassador Walter P. McConaughy returns to Taipei after home consultations.
The Foreign Ministry criticizes Portuguese authorities in Macao for sending Chinese refugees back to the mainland.
25. S.Y. Dao, secretary general of the Council for International Economic Cooperation and Development, leaves for Bangkok to attend the second session of the Asian Industrial Development Council of the U.N. Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East.
Madame Chen Cheng, widow of Vice President Chen, returns from the United States.
26. Foreign Vice Minister Sampson C. Shen leaves for South America on a two-month goodwill visit.
Lieutenant General Kang Ki Chun, commandant of the Korean Marine Corps, leaves for Seoul after a week's visit.
Admiral Feng Chi-tsung, commander-in-chief of the Chinese Navy, returns from Bangkok after a six-day visit.
Hsueh Jen-yang, director of the Kuomintang Taiwan Headquarters, leaves for Seoul for a 10-day visit. 28. Arthur J. Goldberg, U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, arrives for a brief visit.
Foreign tourists in January totaled 15,852, an increase of 37 per cent over the same period last year, according to the Taiwan Tourism Bureau.
March 1. A 30-member U.S. press and broadcasting mission arrives for a three-day visit.
The Education Ministry announces Chinese students studying in the United States in the 1965-66 academic year totaled 10,284.
4. The Foreign Ministry declares China is opposed to recognition of Outer Mongolia by any country.
Economic Vice Minister Yang Chia-lin leaves for Bangkok to attend the industrial and natural resources conference of the U.N. Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East.
5. Aristide Issembe, first Gabonese ambassador to China, arrives.
7. Alfred Ranamgasoavina, Malagasy minister of justice, arrives for a 10-day visit.
A five-member Canadian parliamentary and press mission leaves for Hongkong after a five-day visit.
U.S. Senator Edward W. Brooke leaves for Hongkong after a brief visit.
8. Admiral Ulysses S. Grant Sharp, commander-in-chief of the U.S. forces in the Pacific, arrives for a three-day visit.
Admiral Kim Yoon Kuan, commander-in-chief of the Korean Navy, arrives for a five-day visit.
9. The Executive Yuan appoints two new ambassadors: Liu Tsung-han to Peru and Edward Kuan to Lesotho.
Outgoing Panamanian Ambassador Adolfo J. Arrocha leaves for home.
John D. Tilney and Bernard Conland, members of the British Parliament, arrive for a 15-day visit.
11. A 60-member trade mission from Ohio arrives for a two-day visit.
13. H.S. Chang, secretary general of the Sino-American Joint Commission on Rural Reconstruction, leaves for New Delhi to attend the Executive Committee meeting of the Afro-Asian Rural Reconstruction Organization.
15. Ku Cheng-kang, vice chairman of the Constitutional Research Committee of the National Assembly, leaves for Seoul to attend the second council meeting of the Asian Parliamentarians' Union.
Air raid exercise "Operation Tai Yueh No. 2" is held in northern Taiwan.
Taghi Nasr, director of the U.N. Industrial Development Organization, arrives for a week's visit.
A nine-member fishery mission leaves for Korea for a week's study tour.