
Taiwan Today

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Time not ripe for cross-strait military CBM talks

March 18, 2010
NSC Director Tsai Der-sheng says the timing for cross-strait military talks is not yet ripe.(CNA)
The timing and circumstances for talks on military confidence building measures between Taipei and Beijing are not yet ripe, according to National Security Bureau Director Tsai Der-sheng March 18.

Tsai’s remarks came in response to overtures made by Yang Yi, mainland China’s Taiwan Affairs Office spokesman, on holding military talks with Taipei.

“Such dialogue should develop in a gradual and orderly manner,” Yang said. “Exchanges between veterans and military experts across the strait would be a good start.”

Tsai said cross-strait military talks touch on the sensitive issue of Taiwan’s security and the escalating threat posed by mainland Chinese missiles.

“It is impossible to deny that Beijing still sees military intimidation as an effective tool in preventing Taiwan from moving toward independence,” he said, adding that the number of missiles targeting the island has climbed to nearly 1,400.

“NSC intelligence indicates that Beijing has conducted a risk-benefit assessment of removing the missiles targeting Taiwan, but not surprisingly, policy on this issue is still yet to surface,” Tsai said. “Regardless, even if the fixed-base missiles are withdrawn, mobile launchers can be positioned any time to pose a potential threat.”

As to the Russian-made S-300PMU2 air defense missile system deployed along the Fujian coastline, Tsai said this system is designed to counter U.S. and Indian ballistic missiles and should not be seen as an offensive threat.

“Considering the improving state of cross-strait relations, we believe Beijing would not use this weapon to blast President Ma Ying-jeou’s Air Force One out of the sky.” (CYH-JSM)

