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MOEA unveils investment promotion blueprint

May 16, 2012
Chiu Yi-cheh, director-general of the MOEA Department of Investment Services, hopes Taiwan can attract a total of US$10 billion in foreign investments in 2012. (Courtesy of MOEA)

A strategy to promote overseas investment in Taiwan was unveiled May 15 in Taipei City by the ROC Ministry of Economic Affairs.

Chiu Yi-cheh, director-general of the MOEA Department of Investment Services, said in the second half of the year, the government will carry out several business promotion missions to major cities in the EU, Japan and U.S.

“The goal is to promote investments in Taiwan’s service industry,” he said. “We will hold investment conventions, one-on-one sessions and work with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to visit firms interested in taking advantage of the nation’s business opportunities.”

According to the director-general, during the overseas trips government officials will focus on promoting investments in a number of key sectors, including food catering, logistics, professional science and technical service, as well the retail and wholesale industries. Government delegates will also encourage corporations to set up operation centers and branch offices in Taiwan.

The MOEA’s goal for this year is to attract a total of US$10 billion in foreign investments. As of April 1 foreign investors have pledged a total of US$2.43 billion, the ministry said.

MOEA delegations will visit cities in mainland China this July and October, it said, adding that mainland Chinese investors are expected to investment US$400 million in Taiwan this year.

Several mainland companies have already expressed an interest in forming partnerships with Taiwanese firms, according to Chiu. Possible areas of collaboration include green energy, electronic components, tourism and retail, and the wholesale industries. (HZW)

Write to Aaron Hsu at pj1210meister@mail.gio.gov.tw


