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MOEA summits aim to draw investors

September 17, 2013
Kaohsiung Port is one of Taiwan’s designated FEPZs. (Courtesy of Kaohsiung City Government)

Two major events will take place in September to highlight business opportunities for investors opened up by Taiwan’s Free Economic Pilot Zones on top of local manufacturing strengths, the ROC Ministry of Economic Affairs said Sept. 16.

“The events will use Taiwan’s advantages and business opportunities to create a wave of inbound investment,” an MOEA official said.

An Invest-Taiwan summit for domestic and overseas Taiwan businesses Sept. 18 will be followed by a global investors conference Sept. 30, the MOEA official said. Both events will feature the signing of letters of intent, specialized lectures, analysis of successful investment case studies, investor to business opportunity matchmaking, and display booths to encourage foreign, domestic and expat ROC investors to boost their stakes in the nation.

Indentifying the country’s advantages to create another economic success is the focus of the Invest-Taiwan summit, with a forum and introductory sessions on investment opportunities, innovation and technology upgrade on the agenda, the official added. The planning and progress of the FEPZs will be explained to overseas Taiwan businesses, with further discussions on how companies can transform from manufacturing toward service-oriented development.

Issues regarding the use of technology in developing an innovative value-added service model as part of a corporate strategy to expand domestic, cross-strait and international markets will also be addressed.

According to the official, many well-known Taiwan enterprises are already planning to invest in the country and will take the opportunity to sign letters of intent with the MOEA.

The global investors conference will focus on four main industries, which are the biomedicine, cloud computing and creative content, equipment and production materials manufacture, and smart logistics.

Council for Economic Planning and Development Deputy Minister Chen Chien-liang will explain the FEPZ project, while such companies as Netherlands-based semiconductor manufacturer ASML Holding NV and Japan-based logistics firm Kintetsu Worldwide Express Inc. will share their experiences of investing in Taiwan.

The official said that the event will also mark the 10th year the MOEA has held a major global investors convention. The ministry has invited 10 major international firms to share their experience of doing business in Taiwan over the past decade. These include U.S.-based Applied Materials Inc. and Avnet Inc.; Japan-based Lotte Co. Ltd. and Panasonic Corp.; Germany-based Siemens AG and Evonik Industries AG; and Sweden-based SHL Group.

Officials from city and county governments and those in charge of the FEPZ project will also staff booths to answer questions foreign investors may have. (SDH)

Write to Taiwan Today at ttonline@mofa.gov.tw

