“Productivity 4.0 marks a new chapter in our support for local enterprises in developing upgraded value-added capabilities,” Ma said. “The focus of the next phase will be on strengthening innovation, internationalization and servitization.”
The president made the remarks during an opening address at Taipei International Industrial Automation Exhibition in Nangang Exhibition Hall. The four-day show features 1,350 booths by 450 firms from the automation, logistics and manufacturing industries, all major players in Productivity 4.0.
According to Ma, the eight sectors identified for strategic promotion under the scheme are agriculture, food manufacturing, information technology, logistics, machinery equipment, retailing, textile and transportation.
“We view the initiative as key to laying the foundations for Taiwan to remain at the forefront amid intensifying global competition,” he said, adding that it is a response to the fourth industrial revolution in economies such as Germany, Japan and the U.S.
The impetus of the undertaking centers on developing smart factories for diversified and digitalized production, employing big data in planning production and predicting sales, and increasing total manufacturing output with enhanced autonomous capabilities.
Further plans include establishing an industrial advisory committee for canvassing input from the private sector, as well as facilitating stepped-up collaboration with academia.
Originally set for implementation next year, the program will now kick off in October to help maintain the pace of Taiwan’s economic transformation.
“Overall, we project these measures delivering by 2024 a 60 percent increase in manufacturing output per capita to NT$10 million; a 70 percent rise in agriculture to NT$2.5 million; and 40 percent growth in services to NT$2.3 million,” Ma said.
“There is every reason to believe this initiative will realize Taiwan’s industrial upgrade through securing core technologies and creating a new range of products tailored to meet the needs of 21st century consumers.” (YHC-JSM)
Write to Taiwan Today at ttonline@mofa.gov.tw