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Taiwan launches website to attract foreign professionals

June 29, 2016
Minister of Economic Affairs Lee Chih-kung (center) and representatives of local industry groups celebrate the launch of Contact Taiwan, a one-stop website for attracting international professionals, in Taipei City June 28. (Courtesy of the Ministry of Economic Affairs)
The Ministry of Economic Affairs announced June 28 the launch of its website Contact Taiwan, the newest component of government efforts to attract highly skilled foreign talent to Taiwan.

The new website has both Chinese and English versions and prospective job seekers can access not only opportunities with firms in Taiwan, but also information relating to visa applications, taxation and the general living environment. In addition, the site features testimonials from foreign workers explaining why they chose to find employment in Taiwan, introductions to local industries, as well as the nation’s impressive international rankings in areas such as ease of doing business and global competitiveness.

Representatives from seven major industry groups attended the launch event and signed letters of intent with the MOEA, including members of the Taipei-based Chinese National Federation of Industries, which represents the majority of manufacturers in Taiwan, the National Association of Small and Medium Enterprises, R.O.C., and the Taiwan Wind Energy Association. These groups and the businesses they represent indicate that thay will consistently provide information to the website regarding their manpower needs.

“If Taiwan’s economy is to move forward, we need high-end talent from abroad to assist our industries in technical upgrades and business model reforms,” MOEA Minister Lee Chih-kung said at the event.

According to Kung Ming-hsin, deputy minister of the National Development Council, “Large enterprises hire head-hunting firms to scout for overseas professionals, but small and medium companies can’t afford such services, further highlighting the significance of Contact Taiwan.” Government statistics show SMEs account for 97.7 percent of all companies in Taiwan.

Contact Taiwan is expected to complement existing MOEA projects to attract foreign professionals. In 2013, the MOEA began organizing face-to-face interviews between members of the local business community and foreign students studying in Taiwan. Furthermore, in the past two years, it has signed memorandums of understanding with 22 organizations and universities worldwide. Among the signatories are the Chinese American Semiconductor Professional Association headquartered in California’s Silicon Valley, Warsaw University of Technology in Poland, and Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology based in Seoul. (OC-E)

Write to Taiwan Today at ttonline@mofa.gov.tw


