
Taiwan Today

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Former Vice President Lien named APEC envoy

October 13, 2010
Lien Chan at the 2009 APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting in Singapore. (CNA)

Former Vice President Lien Chan will attend the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Economic Leaders’ Meeting as President Ma Ying-jeou’s special envoy, Presidential Office spokesman Lo Chih-chiang announced Oct. 12.

Ma called Lien “the most suitable person for the job because of his comprehensive understanding of the world situation.” Lien, now chairman of the Taipei-based National Policy Foundation, represented the president at the previous two meetings in Peru and Singapore.

According to Lo, Ma asked Lien to speak about Taiwan’s current economic situation, its efforts to improve relations with mainland China, the signing of the cross-strait Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement, ongoing talks with Singapore on the possibility of an economic cooperation agreement and the enhancement of closer ties with other main trading partners.

In addition, Lien will stress Taiwan’s international role as a peacemaker, a provider of humanitarian aid, a promoter of cultural exchange and a creator of new technologies and business opportunities, as well as its support of regional economic integration.

Another focus of Lien’s attendance at the APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting is his meeting with mainland China’s leader Hu Jintao. Lien has not confirmed whether the two will discuss the removal of missiles targeting Taiwan.

This year’s meeting will be held in Yokohama, Japan Nov. 13 to 14. (THN)

Write to Grace Kuo at morningk@mail.gio.gov.tw

