
Taiwan Today

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Taiwan’s film glitterati fight against global warming

December 21, 2009
A group of environmentally concerned filmmakers and artists are collaborating on a cinematic project highlighting the threat posed by global warming and extreme weather conditions to Taiwan, said top television talk-show host Sisy Chen Dec. 20. “The film emphasizes the importance of this issue from a Taiwan perspective,” Chen said. “It is vital that the nation’s position on climate change is known around the world.” Chen said the project includes contributions from such talents as aboriginal singer Hu De-fu, also known as Kimbo, and popular illustrator Jimmy Liao. Scheduled to open in cinemas Feb. 22, 2010, free screenings are also planned for schools islandwide. The project has a solid base of corporate backing, Chen said, with Terry Gou, chairman of Hon Hai Group, promising to cover expenses and Barry Lam, Quanta Computer Inc. chairman, helping out with human resources. “We hope the film further raises public awareness of this issue and leads to greater public and private sector action,” Lam said. Chen, who initiated the project, said Taiwan is not a U.N. member state, nor a signatory party to the U.N. Convention Framework on Climate Change. “As such, the country’s position was not considered at the recently-ended U.N. conference on climate change in Copenhagen.” Citing information provided by National Taiwan University’s Global Change Research Center, Chen said Taiwan, along with Bangladesh, Vietnam and a host of Caribbean and South Pacific nations will be among the first climate refugees. “Extreme weather conditions induced by climate change battered Taiwan during Typhoon Morakot in August,” Chen said. “It was reported that one third of mountains in the south suffered severe erosion following the record-breaking rainfalls.” (PCT-JSM)

