
Taiwan Today

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Stinky tofu voted most popular Taiwan snack

October 18, 2010
Stinky tofu, the most popular Taiwanese snack. (Staff photos/Chen Mei-ling)

Stinky tofu is the most popular snack in Taiwan, according to an Internet survey by the Government Information Office.

“Stinky tofu tastes really good,” said Alejandro Larios Hernandez, a special assistant to the ambassador of Guatemala at a tasting event Oct. 18. “The smell keeps many people away, but once you try it, you see it’s nothing like the smell. It’s simply delicious.”

The survey was conducted between July 14 and Sept. 28 at a website maintained by the GIO. Known as the E-Government Entry Point of Taiwan, it “is designed to help foreigners become better acquainted with Taiwan,” GIO Minister Johnny Chi-chen Chiang said.

Rice topped with minced pork braised in soy sauce.

Respondents were asked to choose their favorite Taiwanese snack from among such beloved and mouth-watering treats as pearl milk tea, mango shaved ice, pig-blood cake and Taiwanese meatballs.

According to the GIO, it received a total of 8,117 responses, of which 68 percent were cast by foreigners. Stinky tofu received 3,938 votes, accounting for 48 percent of the total.

The next most popular snacks were oyster omelet, pearl milk tea and braised pork rice, which received 1,623, 961 and 617 votes, respectively. (HZW)

Write to Grace Kuo at morningk@mail.gio.gov.tw

