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Taiwanese musicians join France’s MIDEM lineup

January 13, 2011
Suming (center), an Amis singer-songwriter from Taiwan, along with two rock bands will perform at MIDEM in Cannes, France Jan. 24. (GIO)

Three groups of Taiwanese musicians will showcase their talents at the 2011 Marche International du Disque et de l'Edition Musicale (MIDEM), to be held Jan. 23 to 26 in Cannes, France, the Government Information Office said Jan. 13.

The three groups performing at MIDEM, the world’s largest music industry trade fair, are Suming, an Amis singer-songwriter, folk-pop singer Deserts Chang and her band Algae, and the award-winning punk-rock band 1976.

“Writing songs in my native Amis language, I have tried to create a fusion of aboriginal and popular music,” Suming said during the news conference. He added that he has toured in France before and that during the upcoming trip he expects to perform more songs rooted in his own native culture.

The groups are scheduled to perform Jan. 21 at the Nouveau Casino concert hall in Paris, and will team up again Jan. 24 for “Taiwan Night,” a concert dedicated to Taiwan music, to be held at the Majestic Hotel in Cannes, the GIO said.

“The GIO will continue to support the Taiwan music industry and facilitate international exchanges for Taiwanese artists,” GIO Minister Johnny Chi-chen Chiang said.

“Taiwan’s popular music plays an essential role in the Chinese language music market,” said Loic Wong, an official at the French Institute in Taipei. Suming’s music falls into the category of world music and it is certain to be well received by the French audience, Wong added.

This year marks the 16th time that Taiwan has taken part in MIDEM. In addition to the three performing groups, a delegation of musicians, music critics and 18 Taiwanese record companies will participate in the fair.

The 45th annual MIDEM is expected to draw over 7,000 participants from 80 countries, organizers said. (HZW)

Write to Kwangyin Liu at kwangyin.liu@mail.gio.gov.tw

