
Taiwan Today

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Typhoon-devastated bridge reopens in Kaohsiung

June 01, 2011
The 465-meter-long Sinfa Bridge straddles Laonong River in Kaohsiung. (Courtesy of CSC)

Sinfa Bridge in Kaohsiung City has been completely rebuilt and will soon open for traffic, the Directorate General of Highways under the Ministry of Transportation and Communications said May 31.

The former Sinfa Bridge was destroyed in August 2009 by Typhoon Morakot, one of the most devastating storms to strike Taiwan in recent history.

“The bridge is an important route connecting the Liugui district to the Baolai area and the Southern Cross-Island Highway,” an unnamed DGH official said.

“After Morakot hit, Baolai became isolated from the outside world,” the official added. “The new bridge restores the local transportation network, making it easier for tourists to enter the area, and for local agricultural produce to be sent out.”

Constructed by China Steel Corp., the new bridge took 15 months to build at a cost of NT$500 million (US$17.2 million). Now 465 meters long and 13 meters wide, it is 237 meters longer and 4 meters wider than its former self.

“To strengthen the bridge’s ability to withstand floods, a concrete caisson structure was used, and steel boards have been attached around the piers,” CSC said. “Other measures were taken to ensure that it can now withstand a magnitude 6 earthquake.”

The opening ceremony will be held June 4. (HZW)

Write to Grace Kuo at morningk@mail.gio.gov.tw

