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Tsai eyes expanded international economic cooperation for Taiwan

October 21, 2020
President Tsai Ing-wen is all smiles while addressing GFCBW’s 2020 World Assembly Oct. 20 in Taipei City. (Courtesy of Presidential Office)
President Tsai Ing-wen said Oct. 20 that the government is working to expand Taiwan’s international economic and trade cooperation via organizations such as New Taipei City-headquartered Global Federation of Chinese Business Women.
Taiwan is recording economic growth despite the challenges of COVID-19, Tsai said. This can be attributed to targeted support measures and initiatives like the five-plus-two innovative industries plan, six core strategic industries promotion and New Southbound Policy, she added.
Tsai made the remarks during the opening ceremony for GFCBW’s 2020 World Assembly in Taipei City. The event was attended by public sector officials and representatives from many of the organization's 74 chapters.
According to Tsai, high-quality locally made surgical masks have shown the world the prowess of Taiwan industries. This success lays the foundations for further strengthening of the country’s strategic materials manufacturing sector while growing overseas market share, she said.
In addition to flying the flag for Taiwan entrepreneurship abroad, GFCBW is a leader in combating coronavirus, Tsai said. The organization has donated surgical masks and essential medical items to companies, expatriate groups and government agencies, demonstrating Taiwan Can Help bolster the international response to the pandemic, she added.
Tsai also took the opportunity to thank GFCBW for its efforts in reaffirming Taiwan’s reputation as a force for good in the world. It is expected the organization can make even greater contributions to spurring business opportunities at home and abroad, she said.
The five-plus-two innovative industries plan fosters the development of the biotech and pharmaceuticals, green energy, national defense, smart machinery and Internet of Things sectors, as well as the circular economy and a new paradigm for agricultural development.
A key plank in the government’s national development strategy, the NSP seeks to deepen Taiwan’s agricultural, business, cultural, education, tourism and trade ties with the 10 Association of Southeast Asian Nations member states, six South Asian countries, Australia and New Zealand. (YCH-E)
Write to Taiwan Today at ttonline@mofa.gov.tw

