
Taiwan Today

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Taking Taiwan to the world

August 19, 2011
(Staff photo/Chen Mei-ling)

Boosting Taiwan’s profile has long been a key policy objective for the ROC government. While a variety of approaches have been employed in reaching this goal, the most successful to date involves devising innovative ways of showcasing the nation’s distinct culture abroad.

As part of this policy, the Council for Cultural Affairs recently confirmed the October opening of Taiwan Academy branches in Houston, Los Angeles and New York. This development is significant as it enables government efforts aimed at promoting local culture and the study of Mandarin with traditional characters to go to the next level.

Capitalizing on Taiwan’s leadership in the fields of Sinology and traditional Chinese culture and the arts, the academy will work with local Mandarin-teaching institutions in designing and setting up courses. But equally important, the CCA initiative is poised to boost Taiwan’s online presence through the launch of a Chinese e-learning website.

The service offers users a wide selection of content and learning tools to assist in their educational endeavors, utilizing Taiwan’s high-tech nous. It will be complemented by a digital Taiwan studies and Sinology database created by leading institutions such as Academia Sinica and National Taiwan University.

Expanding access to this valuable asset helps boost the country’s credentials as an international hub of academic excellence, allowing institutions nationwide to receive greater exposure as more people from around the world strive to learn about Taiwan and traditional Chinese culture in the 21st century.

The CCA also plans to launch academy branches in Asia and Europe as a way of boosting exports of Taiwan culture to these regions. This program goes hand in hand with the council’s drive to establish eight overseas cultural centers by 2014, with three of these expected to be up and running in six months.

It is envisaged that the centers, which will focus on assisting Taiwan performance groups secure local bookings, will achieve great things when it comes to highlighting the vitality and allure of the nation’s culture. Although locations are yet to be revealed, suffice it to say the centers are destined for countries and regions boasting vibrant cultural landscapes where the CCA does not maintain a presence.

With the CCA at the vanguard of efforts to raise Taiwan’s profile, the country is on track to enjoying more of the global spotlight and furthering its interests abroad. Cultural distinctiveness is what sets nations apart from the pack, and the ROC government will continue doing what it takes to ensure Taiwan stands out and enjoys its rightful place in the international sun.

Write to Taiwan Today at ttonilne@mail.gio.gov.tw

