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2013 Taipei Lantern Festival souvenir launched

January 28, 2013
Souvenir snake lanterns will be hot items at this year’s Taipei Lantern Festival. (Courtesy of Taipei City Government)

A total of 100,000 small snake lanterns bearing the totems of Taiwan’s 14 aboriginal tribes will be handed out for free at the 2013 Taipei Lantern Festival, according to Taipei City Government.

“The snake is an animal that sheds its skin,” Taipei City Mayor Hau Lung-bin said Jan. 27. “It represents change, deftness, healing and innovation.”

The mayor believes the lantern is perfect for helping people to temporarily forget the tough economic times of last year. “We hope this souvenir will sweep away the haze and that the public can welcome the Year of the Snake in a joyous mood.”

Hau said the snake, which is generally a noble symbol in Taiwan’s aboriginal culture, has been specially incorporated into the design of the lantern out of expectations that the economy will rebound and the people of Taiwan can live and enjoy greater prosperity in the coming year.

Lin Chia-wei, an experienced lantern designer, said, “Although people usually have a negative image of snake, in some indigenous tribes the animal plays an important role, like a guardian or ancestor.

“The souvenir’s design symbolizes strength and vitality, as well as a positive attitude,” she added.

According to a Taipei City official, the lanterns will be handed out at 1:30 p.m. Feb. 23 and 24 during the 11-day festival, which kicks off Feb. 21. (JSM)

Write to Grace Kuo at mlkuo@mofa.gov.tw

