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Executive Yuan museum opens in Taipei

February 25, 2015
A guide explains the lives and policy achievements of 24 former ROC premiers during a tour of the recently launched Executive Yuan museum. (UDN)
An Executive Yuan museum was recently inaugurated in Taipei City, spotlighting the functions of the administration throughout the storied history of the ROC.

Built at a cost of NT$1 million (US$31,746), the facility features five sections encompassing Cabinet buildings, multimedia interactions, past ROC premiers, policies and received gifts. It was initiated by former Premier Jiang Yi-huah and constructed over 100 days.

“History mirrors a country’s development and serves as a crucial reference,” a Cabinet official said Feb. 25. “It is important for civil servants and members of the public to have the opportunity to reflect on the past and the contributions of the few for the many.”

According to the official, the exhibits feature models of administration buildings, official documents and pictures. All are available for viewing by appointment or during guided tours.

Highlights include the attendance book of the first Cabinet meeting in 1948, the official said. “This is a particularly precious item as it bears the Chinese calligraphy signature of the first premier Weng Wen-hao, as well as names of heads of ministries that have been phased out over the years.”

Equally fascinating are gifts presented to past premiers by foreign guests. They include a bronze statue of a farmer and bond notes from ROC diplomatic allies Burkina Faso and Panama, respectively.

The official said rotating exhibitions of the museum’s collections will be launched at the facility and on the Cabinet website. Plans are also in the pipeline to stage other history-themed activities at the venue.

“A wide array of events is being organized to further spotlight the Executive Yuan’s accomplishments,” the official said. “We encourage locals and tourists alike to visit the museum and learn more about the Cabinet’s role in the development of the nation.” (DF-JSM)

Write to Taiwan Today at ttonline@mofa.gov.tw  

