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Taiwan publications win Golden Tripod Awards

April 23, 2015
Artist Magazine founder Ho Cheng-kuang is the winner of this year’s Golden Tripod Special Contribution Award for advancing art education in Taiwan over the last 40 years. (Courtesy of MOC)
The winners of the 39th Golden Tripod Awards for Publications were announced April 22 in Taipei City, recognizing outstanding achievement in the local publishing scene.

Organized by the Ministry of Culture, the competition involved 1,403 titles competing for 22 awards in the categories of books, digital publications and magazines. Recipients share overall prize money of NT$6 million (US$193,143).

“It is important to encourage the adoption of the highest standards and production of quality work,” a MOC official said. “We expect the awards to provide genuine incentive and further spur Taiwan’s publishing industry.”

Best Literature Book went to novelist Huang Li-chun and legendary photographer Quo Ying-sheng’s collaboration “Quiet Solitude,” the latter's autobiography. Mika Tanaka’s “Wansei Returning Home,” an intimate account of Taiwan-born Japanese expatriates, was a top prize winner in the nonfiction category, alongside late gourmet writer Lucille Han’s last book “At My Family Table.”

On the periodical front, CommonWealth Parenting, Green Magazine and Running Magazine were named the year’s best in education and learning, fashion and lifestyle, and outstanding newcomer, respectively. CommonWealth Magazine photographer Liu Kuo-tai, with his stunning visuals for the series “Taiwan’s Outlying Islands in Distress,” won excellence in photography.

This year’s Special Contribution Award went to veteran publisher Ho Cheng-kuang, who founded in 1975 Taiwan’s longest-running art periodical Artist Magazine.

“Ho was recognized for his lifetime commitment to local art education and publication, as well as tireless efforts in expanding the reach of Taiwan artists worldwide,” the official said.

An awards ceremony honoring the winners is scheduled for June 2 at Zhongshan Hall in Taipei City. (YHC-JSM)

Write to Taiwan Today at ttonline@mofa.gov.tw

