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MOFA welcomes EP policy reports supporting Taiwan

February 18, 2022
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs welcomes two policy reports adopted Feb. 17 by the EP supporting Taiwan. (MOFA)
Two policy reports adopted Feb. 17 by the European Parliament calling for closer relations with Taiwan and supporting its global participation are sincerely appreciated by the government and people, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said.
The Common Foreign and Security Policy report strongly advocates for Taiwan’s meaningful international participation. It also urges the EU and its member states to take an active role in pursuing cross-strait peace and stability, as well as establishing partnerships with Taiwan.
In addition, the report for the first time calls for a bilateral investment agreement with Taiwan, and urges the European Commission to begin related assessment, public consultations and scoping exercises.
The Common Security and Defense Policy report expresses concern over China’s continued military maneuvers in the Taiwan Strait, including those targeting Taiwan or taking place in its Air Defense Identification Zone. It further calls on the EU to forge closer relations with democratic states in the Indo-Pacific.
According to the MOFA, the latest developments follow 13 similar resolutions passed by the EP last year and demonstrate the importance the legislative body places on Taiwan’s geopolitical and global supply chain positions.
Taiwan and the EU are like-minded partners, the ministry said, adding that they shared a commitment to freedom, democracy, respect for human rights and the rule of law.
As a responsible member of the Indo-Pacific, Taiwan will continue expanding collaboration with the EU and its member states while working with other forces for good to ensure peace and stability in the region and beyond, the MOFA said.
In a tweet on its official Twitter account, the ministry said “We welcome @Europarl_EN’s adoption of the Common Foreign & Security Policy & Common Security & Defense Policy reports supporting #Taiwan’s international participation, trade ties, security, & cross-strait peace & stability.” (SFC-E)
Write to Taiwan Today at ttonline@mofa.gov.tw

