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Taiwan strongly condemns Russia’s military invasion of Ukraine

February 25, 2022
The Ministry of Foreign affairs strongly condemns Feb. 25 Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and urges a cessation of military action and commencement of dialogue aimed at resolving disputes peacefully. (MOFA)
The military invasion of Ukraine by Russia in violation of the U.N. Charter is strongly condemned by the government of Taiwan, according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Feb. 25.
Russia’s occupation of Ukraine’s territory by force undermines regional and global peace and stability, the MOFA said. It also poses threats to the rule-based order while challenging the international legal system safeguarding the sovereignty and territorial integrity of countries worldwide, the ministry added.
As a responsible member of the international community, Taiwan is rock solid in its defense of the universal values of freedom, democracy, respect for human rights and rule of law, the MOFA said, adding that it regrets of Russia’s decision to choose intimidation over diplomatic negotiations.
According to the ministry, the government is joining like-minded partners in imposing economic sanctions on Russia. Ukraine is an independent state and any unilateral attempt to change the status quo is firmly opposed, the MOFA said, adding that all parties are urged to resolve differences through peaceful and rational dialogue in line with international laws.
The government will continue working closely with forces for good like the U.S. in adopting appropriate measures supporting Ukraine, the ministry said. It is hoped hostilities will soon end, and regional and global peace and stability restored, the MOFA added.
In a tweet on its official Twitter account, the ministry said “#Taiwan strongly condemns #Russia’s invasion of #Ukraine. Our country joins the #US, #EU & other like-minded partners in sanctioning Russia. We urge an immediate cessation of military action & commencement of dialogue aimed at resolving disputes peacefully. #StandWithUkraine” (YCH-E)
Write to Taiwan Today at ttonline@mofa.gov.tw

