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Taiwan, US, India stage GCTF workshop on digital health

March 02, 2022
Taipei Veterans General Hospital Vice Superintendent Lee Wui-chiang (on screen, top right) in virtual participation alongside other experts at the GCTF digital health workshop in India. (MOFA)
A workshop on digital health was held under the Global Cooperation and Training Framework in India, spotlighting the government’s commitment to promoting dialogue and cooperation with its like-minded partners.
Jointly organized by the Taipei Economic and Cultural Center in India, U.S. Embassy and Consulates in India and Indian NGO Voice of Healthcare, the recent one-day event marked the first time a GCTF workshop was hosted in South Asia.
Appropriately for the topic, a hybrid format of virtual and real participation allowed 40-plus in-person attendees in New Delhi and over 250 virtual participants from all over South Asia, Taiwan and the U.S.
The event was opened by TECC in India Representative Ger Bau-shuan and U.S. Charge d’Affaires, a.i. to India, Patricia Lacina. During his address, Ger said the National Health Insurance system and the use of big data and technology underpin the success of the Taiwan Model in combating the COVID-19 pandemic. Taiwan will continue to explore opportunities on digital healthcare in India through international collaboration, he added.

Lacina praised Taiwan’s comprehensive healthcare system and contribution to global health security through large donations of key medical supplies. The country’s commitment to strengthening regional healthcare partnership through sharing expertise is sincerely welcomed, she added.

Since its launch in June 2015, the GCTF has hosted over 40 workshops with experts, officials and representatives from around 100 countries and territories on topics including disaster relief, energy security, law enforcement, media literacy, public health and women’s empowerment. (DL-E)
Write to Taiwan Today at ttonline@mofa.gov.tw

