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Foreign Minister Wu gives Sky News Australia interview

March 21, 2022
Foreign Minister Jaushieh Joseph Wu reiterates the importance of Taiwan’s security to the Indo-Pacific during an exclusive interview with Peta Credlin broadcast March 17 by Sky News Australia. (MOFA)
The government is committed to safeguarding Taiwan’s sovereignty and democratic way of life by enhancing defensive capabilities while seeking to take part in regional trade groupings such as the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership, Foreign Minister Jaushieh Joseph Wu said.
China is determined to change the international order and impose its authoritarian views on Taiwan and other countries throughout the Indo-Pacific, Wu said. If Taiwan falls, the region will be significantly impacted, he added.
Wu made the remarks during an exclusive interview with Peta Credlin broadcast March 17 by Sky News Australia.
According to Wu, the Russian invasion of Ukraine is unacceptable and has to be halted as it could easily trigger another world war. Democracies worldwide must unite in resisting authoritarian expansion, he said.
Peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait are now a focal point in the region and around the world, Wu said, adding that it is his belief other democracies are increasingly concerned about China’s ongoing campaign of coercion against the country and will stand with Taiwan.
Regarding the country’s bid for CPTPP participation, Wu said Australia’s support is sincerely appreciated. The government will continue working to advance bilateral cooperation across a broad spectrum of areas, he added.
In a tweet on its official Twitter account, the MOFA said “Minister Wu lays it bare on the importance to the #IndoPacific of #Taiwan’s security, as well as cross-strait peace & stability, in his @SkyNewsAust interview with Peta Credlin. Watch & learn why ‘Taiwan must stand very strong in resisting the expansion of authoritarianism.’” (DL-E)
Write to Taiwan Today at ttonline@mofa.gov.tw

