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International review of Taiwan’s 2nd national report on UN Convention on the Rights of the Child underway in Taipei

November 15, 2022
An international review of Taiwan’s second national report on the implementation of the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child is underway until Nov. 18 in Taipei City. (Staff photo/Chin Hung-hao)
An international review of Taiwan’s second national report on the implementation of the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child is underway in Taipei City, underscoring the government’s commitment to safeguarding children’s well-being while promoting human rights.
According to the Ministry of Health and Welfare, a panel of five international experts from Australia, Ireland, Serbia, the Netherlands and the U.K. is holding discussions with local officials, nongovernmental organizations and children’s representatives during the Nov. 14-18 event.
The panel will conduct a review on the 10-chapter document covering general principles; civil rights; protection from violence; family environment and alternative care; disability health and welfare services; education, leisure and cultural activities; and special protection measures. After wrapping up their assessment, the experts will present a list of recommendations to the government.
In his opening remarks, Minister without Portfolio Lin Wan-I said Taiwan incorporated the CRC into the domestic law in 2014. The national report solicits opinions from NGOs and provides an opportunity for children to speak out about their rights, he said, adding that the international review stage will further boost exchanges among stakeholders and help build a better future.
Other attendees of the event included Chen Chu, president of the Control Yuan and chair of the National Human Rights Commission, and representatives from the Judicial Yuan and other relevant ministries and agencies. (YCH-E)
Write to Taiwan Today at ttonline@mofa.gov.tw

