
Taiwan Today

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Regenerative Medicine Act passed

June 05, 2024
Legislative Speaker Han Kuo-yu hosts the third reading of the Regenerative Medicine Act June 4 in Taipei City. (CNA)

The third reading of the Regenerative Medicine Act was passed in the Legislative Yuan June 4, marking significant protection for patients’ rights.

According to the Ministry of Health and Welfare, planning for the act started in 2018 and its passage reflected collaborative effort from political parties, public and private sectors and administrative agencies. For acute or terminal patients, such innovative medical treatment may increase survival ratios.

The MOHW said the act would facilitate regenerative medicine development and expedite a wider application of research results to clinical medicine. The bill ensures that human trials are conducted and offers subsidies for research, there are also clear guidelines for treatment, doctors’ qualifications and requirements to explain their rights to patients.

In addition, facilities must evaluate the tissue and cells before use. Regenerative medical treatment will be confined to medical facilities with fines of up to NT$20 million for non-compliance or advertising by non-medical agencies. (POC-E)

Write to Taiwan Today at ttonline@mofa.gov.tw

