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MOFA thanks US, Australia for statement supporting cross-strait peace

August 08, 2024
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs thanks Australia and the U.S. for their Aug. 6 joint statement supporting Taiwan. (MOFA)
The unwavering support for cross-strait peace and stability expressed by the foreign and defense ministers of Australia and the U.S. is sincerely appreciated by the government and people of Taiwan, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said Aug. 7.
The remarks came as a joint statement was released Aug. 6 following the Australia-U.S. Ministerial Consultations held in Annapolis, Maryland. The event was attended by Australian Minister for Foreign Affairs Penny Wong and compatriot Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Defense Richard Marles, with U.S. Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken and Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin.
In the statement, the two countries reaffirmed the importance of maintaining peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait and shared opposition to unilateral changes to the status quo. They also called for peaceful resolution of cross-strait issues through dialogue without the threat or use of force or coercion.  
The two sides highlighted Taiwan’s important role as a partner for both countries and a leading Indo-Pacific economy and democracy. They reiterated commitment to working together to support Taiwan’s meaningful participation in international organizations, as well as further strengthening economic, trade and people-to-people ties with Taiwan. 
According to the MOFA, this is the fifth consecutive time that the AUSMIN Consultations have expressed strong support for Taiwan in its joint statements, and the first time strong concern regarding China’s military and coast guard activity around Taiwan has been voiced. It shows that maintaining cross-strait peace and stability has consensus in the global community, the ministry added.
As a responsible member of the Indo-Pacific, Taiwan will continue to work with its like-minded partners to defend shared values and rules-based international order and safeguard peace, stability and prosperity in the region, the ministry said. (SFC-E)
Write to Taiwan Today at ttonline@mofa.gov.tw

