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MODA deputy minister speaks at hacker convention

August 13, 2024
Chiueh Her-ming, deputy minister of the Ministry of Digital Affairs, delivers a speech at the 32nd DEF CON Aug. 10 in the U.S. city of Las Vegas. (Courtesy of MODA)
Deputy Minister of Digital Affairs Chiueh Her-ming led a delegation to the 32nd edition of DEF CON, underscoring the government’s commitment to transnational cooperation in the field of information security.

DEF CON is a long-running international meeting centered around information security that attracts professionals and experts in the field, government officials, the media, and students. This year’s event was held Aug. 8-11 in Las Vegas.

According to the MODA, during the Policy Village session for global perspectives, Chiueh shared Taiwan’s experience in building cybersecurity and telecommunications resilience with attendees from Singapore, the U.S. and the U.K., among others. The deputy minister provided examples of the country’s responses to new types of attacks, including the improvement of information protective systems and zone defense frameworks.

Chiueh also expounded on Taiwan’s concrete actions to strengthen communications resilience, discussing instances of disrupted submarine communication cables connecting the outlying Matsu islands and Taiwan, as well as the ministry’s role in establishing a disaster relief network via low earth orbit satellite during the April 3 earthquake earlier this year in the eastern county of Hualien.

The ministry vowed to continue working with domestic and international information security communities, and to advance security governance and safety protection through public and private efforts. (POC-E)

Write to Taiwan Today at ttonline@mofa.gov.tw

