
Taiwan Today

Taiwan Review

Picture story:President Stroessner's visit and the Double Tenth

November 01, 1975
Top, Presidents Stroessner and Yen; Bottom, visit to the military. (File photo)
The Republic of China welcomed a distinguished visitor a few days before the Double Tenth National Day. President Stroessner of Paraguay came for four days in late September. He was met at the Taipei airport by President Yen Chia-kan, Premier Chiang Ching-kuo and other dignitaries. Several cooperation agreements were reached with Paraguay during the course of friendly talks with the visiting chief executive and other Paraguayan leaders in his party of 60. General Stroessner went to the sarcophagus of the late President Chiang Kai-shek to pay his respects. He traveled south to visit industrial projects and military bases.











(File photo)

Free China solemnly celebrated the 64th anniversary of the Wu chang uprising October 10. This day in 1911 brought the culmination of the first phase of the National Revolution. Less than three months later the Manchus had been overthrown and the Re public established. Never before had the nation marked a Double Tenth without its leader, President Chiang Kai-shek. The Generalissimo and chief executive passed away last April 5. But he had bade people and government to carryon in his Last Will and Testament. The nation did so. A huge military parade was held in Taipei, the first since 1964. In the reviewing stand (top left) were President Yen Chia-kan, Premier Chiang Ching-kuo and other Chinese and foreign dignitaries. President Yen, riding in an open limousine (center left) reviewed the entire line of march. Crack units from the armed forces of 500,000 were given the honor of parading, along with representatives from more than 2.2 million reservists. Cadets of the armed forces academies were on hand together with girl students from the Political Warfare College. The panoply of weaponry included tanks, mobile anti-aircraft units and missiles. Overhead were Tai wan-made helicopters and fighters.

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Frogmen (top) got a big hand from the crowd of more than 100,000 watching the parade in the Presidential Square. They are often in action against the Communists. Two comely misses at right were among some 16,000 overseas Chinese who came to Taiwan for the 10-10 and other October holidays.

