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Taiwan sets strictest air pollution regulations in Asia

October 01, 2024
The tighter air quality standards issued Sept. 30 by the Ministry of Environment are expected to improve public health in Taiwan. (CNA)
The Ministry of Environment announced amendments to Taiwan’s Air Quality Standards Sept. 30 to bring the country’s regulations more in line with global practices and offer better health protections to the public.
According to the MOENV, the new regulations lower the maximum hourly, daily and yearly levels of pollutants such as carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, ozone and sulfur dioxide. In particular, the daily average threshold of PM 2.5 has been cut from 35 micrograms per cubic meter to 30 mcg/m3 and the yearly average threshold has dropped from 15 mcg/m3 to 12 mcg/m3, making them the strictest limits in Asia, the ministry said.
The changes also update rules for air quality readings to provide a more accurate reflection of conditions starting Jan. 1, 2025. The ministry highlighted that according to data from 2021 to 2023, Taiwan is expected to experience good air quality 40 percent of the time under the new standards, while the chance of moderate and unhealthy days for sensitive groups may increase.
The MOENV said the amendments follow guidelines set by the World Health Organization and a study published in July by Miaoli County-based National Health Research Institutes that shows a high correlation between PM 2.5 concentration and cardiovascular and respiratory diseases. The move is also part of the new administration’s response to public calls for more effective air quality controls, it added.
Achieving targets will require collective efforts by all parties involved, especially those responsible for producing pollutants, MOENV Minister Peng Chi-ming said, adding that the ministry will roll out follow-up projects to tackle airborne particulates.
Peng said the government’s net-zero carbon emission policy will help improve air quality in Taiwan, as reduction of carbon and air pollution goes hand in hand. He added that the ministry hopes to lower the PM 2.5 standard further to 10 or 5 mcg/m3 in the future. (SFC-E)
Write to Taiwan Today at ttonline@mofa.gov.tw

