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MOTC hosts forum on dual transition in shipping sector

December 02, 2024
MOTC Administrative Deputy Minister Lin Kuo-shian (front, sixth right) attends a forum organized by the Maritime and Port Bureau Nov. 29 in Taipei City. (Courtesy of MPB)
The Ministry of Transportation and Communications’ Maritime and Port Bureau staged a forum on the dual digital and green transition in international shipping Nov. 29 in Taipei City, highlighting the government’s commitment to helping domestic industries align with global practices and address future challenges.

The event brought together over 130 participants from the academic, governmental and industrial sectors, with dialogue centering on net-zero emissions targets and digital technologies, the MPB said.

Speaking at the forum, MOTC Administrative Deputy Minister Lin Kuo-shian said that land, air and sea transport, as well as meteorology and tourism, must all adopt sustainability measures and initiate a smart transition. In particular, the shipping industry needs to establish power infrastructure at ports and integrate artificial intelligence and big data, he added.

Ocean Affairs Council Deputy Minister Huang Hsiang-wen took the opportunity to emphasize the importance of maritime transport in promoting environmental protection, as evidenced by the need for the shipping industry’s active participation in many of the government’s 12 key strategies for the Pathway to Net-zero emissions in 2050.

Delivering a keynote speech on sustainable sea transportation, Tsai Feng-ming, chair of Yang Ming Marine Transport Corp., addressed the dual transformation from an industry perspective and detailed public and private sector responses to international trends and prospects.

Taiwan’s information and communications technology prowess is a vital asset in supporting the domestic shipping industry’s transition, the MPB said. The forum’s interdisciplinary dialogue is expected to facilitate the planning and implementation of future policies and enable the country’s industries to continue standing out in the global arena, the bureau concluded. (POC-E)

Write to Taiwan Today at ttonline@mofa.gov.tw

