
Taiwan Today

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Forging ahead together

October 13, 2012
(Courtesy of Presidential Office)

On Oct. 10, the ROC celebrated its 101st anniversary with a series of National Day events highlighting the great advances the country has made and need for all members of Taiwan society to pull together and achieve even more.

The timing of this event is particularly salient given today’s global economic situation is no less severe than it was during the Great Recession. On top of that, tensions in the East China and South China seas have escalated.

Yet there is no need to fear these challenges. The ROC government has elected to meet them head-on by reforming industrial structure and raising salary levels; eliminating investment barriers and increasing job opportunities; defending sovereignty, fishing rights and promoting regional peace; and solidifying democracy and the rule of law while enhancing the development of cross-strait relations.

Although Taiwan’s economy has grown over the past dozen years, this has not been reflected with rises in salaries. The government is resolving this difficult situation by restructuring industry, embracing value-added development and repositioning the nation in the international economic and trade system.

Another issue of great concern to the people of Taiwan is employment. A more favorable business environment will help generate jobs. Once domestic and foreign investment grows, the economy will thrive and jobs will increase. Rest assured, the government will continue striving to clear investment obstacles and achieve better infrastructural balance between the various regions of Taiwan.

But these improvements cannot take place if the country’s sovereignty is threatened. No impingement upon ROC territory can be countenanced, nor can the government waver in its defense of national sovereignty.

Recent incidents in the Diaoyutai Archipelago have gained worldwide attention. Whether looked at from the perspective of history, geography, or international law, the Diaoyutais have always been part of the ROC. In particular, the waters surrounding the archipelago have for hundreds of years been the traditional grounds of fishermen from Taiwan. ROC Coast Guard Administration vessels will continue protecting the nation’s fishermen and defending territorial waters in the area.

The ROC has always sought peace and attached great importance to its relations with friendly nations. In response to the dispute over the Diaoyutais, the government proposed the East China Sea peace initiative Aug. 5, advocating that each party set aside disputes and engage in dialogue. The ROC plays the role of a peacemaker within the international community, and will continue working for prosperity and stability in East Asia and beyond.

For democracy to flourish in Taiwan, the government places a premium on promoting the rule of law and clean, competent administration. The democratic achievements of the ROC have garnered the attention of the entire Chinese-speaking world, and it is on this foundation that the nation has been able to make significant headway in cross-strait relations.

Over the past four-plus years, the government has signed 18 agreements and reached two points of consensus with mainland China. These developments are bringing substantive benefits to the people of Taiwan, and will do so for generations to come.

The government has encountered many challenges over the past 101 years, but it has joined hands with the people, squarely faced all difficulties and kept moving courageously forward. Today, the nation again faces adversity, but it will overcome these difficulties through concerted efforts and forging ahead together with the people one step at a time.

Write to Taiwan Today at ttonline@mofa.gov.tw

