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Ma maps out Taiwan’s pension reform

January 07, 2013
ROC President Ma Ying-jeou outlines government principles for pension reforms Jan. 6 in Taipei City. (CNA)

ROC President Ma Ying-jeou reaffirmed Jan. 6 that the government’s goal for overhauling the nation’s pension systems is to reduce losses and ensure sustainable management through a comprehensive, pragmatic, progressive and transparent approach.

“Cabinet and Examination Yuan task forces are working together to coordinate relevant government agency efforts and produce a concrete reform plan by the end of the month,” Ma said.

“We have held more than 100 public meetings to gather input from all sectors, which will be incorporated in a proposal aiming to provide fiscal stability, comparable entitlements for different professions and fair treatment to all generations.”

The president made the remarks at a forum in Taipei City on restructuring the pension system for teachers.

In October the Cabinet met with the Ministry of Education, Ministry of National Defense, Directorate-General of Personnel Administration, Council of Labor Affairs and Council for Economic Planning and Development to study the issue, appointing Vice Premier Jiang Yi-huah head of the Cabinet task force, the president said. This was followed by consultations in November among the Cabinet, Legislative Yuan and CEPD.

Major changes in Taiwan over the last 20 years, including income shortfalls in the labor insurance system and social security systems for the military and public servants, together with rapid population aging and a dramatic decline in the birthrate, have exacerbated the situation, Ma noted.

The CEPD has forecast that by 2060 people over age 65 will make up 39 percent of the population, compared to the current 11 percent, while those 15-64 years old will drop to 51 percent from the present 74 percent, he pointed out.

“In light of these facts, our pension systems have to change,” Ma said. (THN)

