
Taiwan Today

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Asia-Pacific Culture Day fosters regional ties

September 30, 2013
MOFA Minister David Y. L. Lin (eighth left) applauds at the opening ceremony for Asia-Pacific Culture Day Sept. 28 in Taipei City. (CNA)

Asia-Pacific Culture Day concluded Sept. 29 at Huashan 1914 Creative Park in Taipei City, reaffirming the ROC government’s commitment to fostering stronger ties between Taiwan and its diplomatic allies and partners throughout the region.

Commencing Sept. 28, the two-day festival featured exhibitions and performances, as well as an array of different cuisines from six of Taiwan’s diplomatic allies and 12 partners in the Asia-Pacific. These include India, Japan, Palau, the Solomon Islands, South Korea, Thailand, Tuvalu and Vietnam.

“This event will help all participating countries showcase the diversity and richness of Asia-Pacific cultures,” said David Y. L. Lin, ROC minister of foreign affairs. “It is a feast not only for the palates, but also for our eyes and ears.”

Lin made the remarks at the Sept. 28 event launch. Also attending were Calivat Gadu, deputy minister of the Council of Indigenous Peoples; Teekoa Iuta, ambassador of Kiribati; Phillip K. Kabua, ambassador of the Marshall Islands; and Ludwig Dowong Keke, ambassador of Nauru.

According to Lin, Taiwan’s relations with countries in the Asia-Pacific have improved dramatically over the past few years, with ROC diplomatic allies Kiribati and Tuvalu establishing embassies in Taipei this year.

“In addition, Taipei and Tokyo signed a bilateral investment agreement in 2011, helping lift Japanese investment in Taiwan to US$12 billion at the end of last year,” he said. “Both sides also concluded a fishery agreement in April contributing to regional peace and stability.”

Taiwan’s economic relationship with countries in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations is also enhanced by closer trade and investment links, the minister said. Two-way trade with ASEAN for the first seven months of the year increased 4.3 percent to US$52 billion, while Taiwan also has substantial investments in all member countries, he added.

In July this year, Taiwan concluded a high-quality, high-standard comprehensive trade agreement with New Zealand, which will create more opportunities for Taiwan’s participation in regional trade blocs such as the Trans-Pacific Partnership and Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, Lin said.

Enhanced economic relations also contribute to building stronger cultural ties and educational exchanges between Taiwan and its friends in the region.

“Major projects such as the Youth Ambassador Exchange Program and Taiwan Study Camp offer first-class opportunities for our young people to engage in cultural exchanges with their peers in the region and beyond,” he said.

“Taiwan is a responsible stakeholder in the region and will continue making significant contributions as a promoter of cultural exchanges and facilitator of peace and stability.” (SFC-JSM)

Write to Taiwan Today at ttonline@mofa.gov.tw  

