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MOFA promotes East China Sea Peace initiative

November 29, 2013
The MOFA urges all relevant parties to resolve the ADIZ issue with an eye to ROC President Ma Ying-jeou’s East China Sea peace initiative. (MOFA)
The East China Sea Peace initiative provides a viable empirical model for peaceful resolution of regional disputes, especially in light of Beijing’s recent decision to establish an East China Sea air defense identification zone, according to the ROC Ministry of Foreign Affairs Nov. 29.

“Beijing’s declaration has drawn strong response from Washington and Tokyo, warning of escalating tensions and potential for conflict in the region,” the MOFA said, adding that the disputed ADIZ includes the ROC’s Diaoyutai Islands.

The National Security Council issued a news release reaffirming ROC sovereignty over the Diaoyutais one day after Beijing made its announcement Nov. 23, the MOFA said.

In reaffirming the merits of the initiative and measures to ensure the safety of ROC airspace, the NSC said the government is deeply concerned about regional developments and will maintain close contact with all parties, the MOFA added.

“With the risk of an incident rapidly increasing, the ROC calls on all parties to adhere to the pragmatic approach of the East China Sea Peace Initiative, which has proven its viability in the Taiwan-Japan fisheries agreement signed April 10.”

Proposed Aug. 5, 2012, by President Ma Ying-jeou, the initiative is in line with the government’s commitment to acting as a peacemaker. It urges all parties to replace confrontation with dialogue, shelve territorial disputes through negotiations, formulate a code of conduct in the East China Sea and engage in joint development of resources.

“By emphasizing cooperation over conflict and refocusing attention on the sharing of economic resources, the initiative can help parties rise above nationalism and territorial claims, and see beyond their own interests in order to safeguard regional peace and stability,” the MOFA said.

Write to Taiwan Today at ttonline@mofa.gov.tw

