
Taiwan Today

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ROC Cabinet reaffirms stance on Beijing’s new ADIZ

December 02, 2013
The ROC Cabinet is rock solid on safeguarding national sovereignty over the Diaoyutais, as well as promoting President Ma Ying-jeou’s East China Sea peace initiative as a viable way of resolving disputes in the region. (Photo: Chang Su-ching)

The ROC Cabinet reaffirmed the nation’s sovereignty over the Diaoyutai Islands Nov. 29, stating that it will seek various channels to express strong concern over mainland China’s newly announced East China Sea air defense identification zone.

“Beijing did not consult with us before making such an announcement,” the Cabinet said. “The fact that their ADIZ overlaps with ours is not conducive to the positive development of cross-strait ties.”

According to the Cabinet, the National Security Council issued a four-point statement Nov. 23 in response to the move by mainland China, reiterating the rock-solid position on safeguarding national sovereignty over the Diaoyutais, as well as the value of President Ma Ying-jeou’s East China Sea peace initiative for resolving disputes in the region.

The five-point initiative urges all parties to refrain from antagonistic actions; not abandon dialogue; observe international law; resolve disputes through peaceful means; and form a mechanism for exploring and developing resources on a cooperative basis.

In addition, the Cabinet said there will be no change in the Ministry of National Defense’s patrols conducted in accordance with Taiwan’s ADIZ, the Cabinet said, adding that the MND will boost intelligence, monitoring and surveillance activities in the region to ensure national security.

In the name of flight safety, the Civil Aeronautics Administration under the Ministry of Transportation and Communications will continue notifying mainland China of the flight plans for domestic and foreign carriers over the East China Sea in accordance with International Civil Aviation Organization regulations and practices, the Cabinet said.

“The ROC government is highly concerned by the development of situation in the area,” the Cabinet said, “and urges all parties to resolve disputes through peaceful dialogue and bilateral or multilateral negotiations so as to safeguard regional peace and stability. (RC-JSM)

Write to Taiwan Today at ttonline@mofa.gov.tw

