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Ma touts merits of East China Sea Peace Initiative

August 05, 2014
President Ma Ying-jeou stresses the value of the East China Sea Peace Initiative in promoting regional stability Aug. 5 at an international forum in Taipei City. (CNA)

President Ma Ying-jeou said Aug. 5 that Taiwan will continue strengthening cooperative ties with countries and territories in line with the principles of the East China Sea Peace Initiative.

“The nation’s firm stance on peaceful resolution of disputes in recent years has created significant dividends, indicating that the initiative is a proven model for settling conflict,” Ma said.

“Achievements in the East China Sea can become a framework of reference for other similarly situated countries or regions, so all parties can work together for sustainable development.”

The president made the remarks during the East China Sea Peace Forum in Taipei City. Organized by the Prospect Foundation, an independent think tank in Taipei, the one-day event was attended by experts and scholars from nine countries in three continents.

Proposed Aug. 5, 2012, by Ma, the five-point initiative urges all parties to refrain from antagonistic actions; not abandon dialogue; observe international law; resolve disputes through peaceful means; and form a mechanism for exploring and developing resources on a cooperative basis.

According to the president, efforts by the government in resolving major fisheries disputes with Japan and the Philippines have created new opportunities for promoting regional peace. Such an approach is welcomed by countries and territories sharing the same values with Taiwan.

In particular, Ma said improving cross-strait relations have greatly reduced tensions between Taiwan and mainland China and contributed to stability in East Asia—a development in the fundamental interest of the global community.

“For example, U.S. Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel and Australian Minister of Defense David Johnston both commended Taiwan’s peaceful approach in these regards during the Shangri-La Dialogue in the Asia Security Summit held two months ago in Singapore,” he said.

Taiwan will continue working to establish a mechanism for regional conflict prevention and promote cooperation on nontraditional security issues as well as regional economic integration, Ma added.

“We want goodwill begetting goodwill in an unending cycle,” the president said. "Taiwan will strive to make East China and South China seas ones of cooperation, peace and prosperity." (SFC-JSM)

Write to Taiwan Today at ttonline@mofa.gov.tw

