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Premier Lin unveils policy guidelines at Legislature

June 03, 2016
Premier Lin Chuan delivers a report on his Cabinet policy guidelines at the Legislative Yuan June 3 in Taipei City. (CNA)
Taiwan’s Cabinet is working to create a new national development model based on the policy platform of President Tsai Ing-wen while addressing the most pressing economic, political and social issues, according to Premier Lin Chuan June 3.

“Innovation, employment and distribution are the three basic guidelines leading Taiwan’s economic and national development going forward,” Lin said. “The government will seek solutions to industry problems, promote investment and international collaboration to stimulate growth, and implement reforms to uphold the values of democracy, freedom and rule of law.”

The premier made the remarks while delivering his first policy guideline report at the Legislative Yuan after the Tsai administration took office May 20.

Comprising 19 chapters, the report touches upon key issues spanning domestic affairs, economy, education, finance, foreign affairs, national defense and technology. The premier said the proposed policies will be implemented in line with a five-pronged approach.

The first involves implementing comprehensive industrial transformation to generate new momentum for economic growth. Efforts in this regard include promoting five major innovative industries: biopharmaceuticals, defense technology, green energy, Internet of Things and precision machinery.

This plan will be backed by the enhancement of living quality through developing industries such as care services, housing renovation, maritime enterprises, new agriculture and tourism. “The government will also strive to reform the existing national pension plan to reconstruct Taiwan’s financial order,” Lin said.

The second is maintaining social stability and ensuring the people’s livelihood. Key tasks in this regard encompass building social housing and community care; strengthening law enforcement and fighting drugs and crime; ensuring public health by improving the medical environment and food safety; and enhancing labor rights by optimizing labor conditions.

Next on the list is reforming the nation’s education and boosting the development of its diverse cultural and ethnic backgrounds. “In order to cultivate the next generation of talents for Taiwan, the government will start tackling problems facing our education system at all levels to bridge the gap between academia and private sector,” Lin said.

“This will be supported by a renewed focus on advancing local culture and soft power,” he said, adding that the government will strive to achieve equal opportunities for all people.

The fourth is promoting political reforms and balancing regional development. “Government efficiency is crucial to enhancing national competitiveness,” the premier said. “The new administration will step up efforts in communicating policies with the public while seeking synergies by increasing cross-agency coordination.”

According to Lin, regional development will be considered in tandem with overall national land planning. “Collaborative regional management is the best way forward. We will encourage efforts in this regard to form different parts of Taiwan into collective economies with their own strengths,” he said.

The final undertaking will see the government maintain peaceful development across the Taiwan Strait while promoting negotiations and exchanges on the basis of dignity and equality. At the same time, Taiwan is to continue strengthening relations with such partners as Japan and the U.S., as well as seeking participation in regional groupings like the Trans-Pacific Partnership.

“Stronger ties with Association of Southeast Asian Nations members and India are also a key task in accordance with Tsai’s New Southbound Policy,” Lin added.

“The Cabinet will spare no efforts to communicate to the Legislative Yuan and the public over any policies going forward,” he said. “By joining hands, we can all play our part in making Taiwan a more beautiful nation of democracy, equality and prosperity.” (YHC-E)

Write to Taiwan Today at ttonline@mofa.gov.tw

