
Taiwan Today

Taiwan Review

Documents:Chairman Chiang Ching-kuo's Address to the Opening Ceremony of the 4th Plenum of the 11th Central Committee and the 4th Meeting of the Central Advisory Committee of the Kuomintang of China

January 01, 1980

December 10, 1979

I hereby proclaim open the 4th Plenary Session of the 11th Central Committee and the Cen­tral Advisory Committee of our Party.

In holding our plenary session here today, we clearly feel the weight of the Party's responsibility for national revival and resurgence and for reversal of the tide of events at this crucial moment. All the comrades of the Party must strive with maxi­mum courage and unswerving determination, together with our compatriots of the whole coun­try, to carry out our historic task of recovering the mainland and reshaping the Chinese nation.

Self-establishment and self­-reliance in defiance of adversity

A year has passed since the third plenary session. This was the most difficult and dangerous year in the history of our Party, a year which severely tested our country's will for self-establish­ment and self-reliance, our people's fortitude and solidarity in struggle, our Party's faith in carry­ing out its goal of revolution and our determination to serve as an anti-Communist spearhead of the free world. But crises create able leaders; reverses revive a nation. We may say proudly that while the challenge has posed a threat, it also has aroused our built-in strength. As a consequence, our will, fortitude, faith and determination remain as adamant as ever and have become even stronger. We have the courage to face up to the reality and the daring to overcome our difficulties. We stand as erectly and staunchly as a monolith and are prepared to defy the buffeting of adversity.

Looking back over the last year, we can see that the developments imposed upon us have directly or indirectly triggered a chain of drastic changes. These changes provide convincing evidence that right has been con­fused with wrong, friend has not been distinguished from foe and that schism and unity in international relations have deviated from constant principle. But we are always confident that as long as we can build up our strength, keep our dignity, remain calm in crisis, plant our feet on firm ground, adhere to our position, put vanity aside, stop relying on others and grasp our national destiny in our own hands, we shall surely succeed in the end.

The most affecting aspect of the year has been the unity and devotion of our compatriots at home and abroad in the face of the national crisis. No one has become discouraged or despon­dent. All have shown an upright spirit and have transformed their sorrow into strength. They have come from all walks of life and every corner of the world to support the government and Free China with their deeply engrained patriotism, their warm-blooded uprighteousness and their soaring sincerity in a variety of forms and different actions. Many moving scenes and events have served to convince the people of the world that the Chinese are not to be bullied and that the sons and daughters of China are not weaklings. With such great support and high morale, we can overcome adversity and open up a bright new vista for ourselves.

The glorious victory of the Three Principles of the People

Our Party is dedicated to the National Revolution to save the country and the people. In the past more than eight decades, the Party has encountered endless distress and countless hardships in pursuit of its goals of freedom and equality for China and lasting peace for the world. For more than half a century, the Party was led by the Tsungli (referring to Dr. Sun Yat-sen) and the Tsungtsai (referring to the late President Chiang Kai-shek). Our Party founded the Republic, carried out the Northward Ex­pedition and national unification, resisted Japanese aggression, brought the government under the Constitution and undertook the suppression of Communist rebellion. In each case, the more adverse the circumstances, the more conspicuous was the re­alization that national development policy based on the Three Principles of the People is fore­sighted and that the goal of the Party's revolution is correct. Again and again we have turned reverses into victory and tragedy into triumph. We have always counted on the inspiration from the soul of the Party and the instructions of the Three Principles of the People to continue adding pages of glorious victory to our book of history.

The fortunes of the Party cannot be separated from the prospering or declination of the country. The all-out rebellion of the Chinese Communists, plunging the mainland into an abyss of agony, is the most serious reverse for our Party in its revolutionary undertakings. For 30 years, we have never ceased to anneal ourselves with hardship and improve ourselves for better government. Never for a moment have we ceased to feel concern and com­passion for compatriots on the mainland whom we remember with longing. We have set our minds on building Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu into a bastion of freedom for national revival based on the blueprint of the Three Principles of the People in order to carry out the sacred task of recovering the mainland and freeing our suffering compatriots there at an early date. We are convinced that only when the Three Principles of the Peo­ple is carried out can the Republic of China revive and enjoy durable peace and stability and can we perpetuate the life of the nation, protect the lives of the people and ensure our sovereignty.

It is evident that with the successful implementation of the Three Principles of the People we have laid down ill this bastion of national revival a concrete foundation of constitutional gov­ernment based on the Constitution and the rule of law. We have established a prosperous and equalitarian economy and a model society of peace, harmony, hap­piness and well-being. This vivid reality is consistent with Chinese thought and culture, appropriate to the Chinese way of living and m keeping with the requirements of Chinese social development. Ours is a jointly constituted and exemplary experiment for a prospective modern China characterized by freedom, peace, strength and unification. In the life-and-death struggle against Communism, we are confident that we have stood firm and are in a position where we cannot lose.

The total bankruptcy of Communism

In these same 30 years, the Chinese mainland under Com­munist totalitarian rule has been turned into a hell where tens of millions of people have been slaughtered and hundreds of mil­lions of others have been subjected to slavery and persecution in all their forms. The atrociousness and intensity of the persecution constitute a catastrophe unparal­leled in China and a tragedy unprecedented in the history of the world.

We need not enumerate the crimes committed by the Chinese Communists, because their fe­lonies and the record of their atrocities against nation and people cannot be concealed by the most eloquent of words. We must point out only that the 30-year experiment in Marxism-Leninism and Mao Tse-tung thought on the mainland has resulted in poverty, backwardness, destitution and confusion in which the people are everywhere crying out for help. These suffering people are none other than our own brethren. Their suffering is also ours; their deliverance from such suffering is our duty.

In essence, the mainland of today is characterized by these developments: intensification of the inner-party struggle for power, irreversible economic deterioration, social chaos which is repeatedly surging to new highs, and ideological conflict and confusion in the military. As of today, more than 20 million people have lost their jobs, more than 80 million young intellec­tuals are still toiling under the send-down program and 200 mil­lion peasants are on the brink of starvation or suffering from malnu­trition. Imagine: after 30 years the people are still required to obtain food with coupons, to travel with permits, to stand in line in order to buy goods and to live only where they are told. When have the Chinese people ever suffered like this before? Consequently, they have risen up with a roar to settle their score with the Communists. They are struggling for freedom, democracy and survival. They want to live like human beings. They have hurled their challenge at the Chinese Communists: "Why can't we have a national economy like that of Taiwan?" They have bravely cried out: "The road of the Three Principles of the People is the right road for China." They have proclaimed: "Proletarian dictatorship is incompatible with true democracy." These accusations and calls reflect the indignation of our mainland compatriots with the Chinese Communists, their repudiation of Communism and their eager insistence on exacting payment for the debt owed them by the Chinese Communist regime.

Consequently, we affirm that the Communist control of the mainland is by no means a fact that cannot be changed. On the contrary, it must and will be changed in compliance with the aspiration of the people.

The falsity and illusion of the "four modernizations"

Considering that the Chinese Communists have made the main­land "poor and blank," is it not a hallucination for the Chinese Communists to be blatantly advocating the "four modernizations?"

In truth, the Chinese Com­munist effort to "hold fast to the four principles of the socialist road, proletarian dictatorship, the leadership of the Communist par­ty and Marxism-Leninism and Mao Tse-tung thought" and at the same time to clamor for imple­mentation of the "four modernizations" is a big lie and an illusion. This Communist effort con­ceals the sinister motive of an attempt to delude the free world and prop up the facade of the regime through collaboration with the developed nations and by wangling technology and capital from the West. Additionally, the Chinese Communists seek to as­suage the surging anti-Communist sentiments of the people with "pictures of cake" and thereby continue to squeeze from the people the capital required for world communization.

We must expose this Com­munist lie. The so-called "four modernizations" is merely a slogan and does not reflect the interests of the people. It is an instrument of the internal power struggle among the Chinese Communist chieftains. If the democratic coun­tries fall into the trap and allow themselves to be influenced by the Communists, they will find that their returns will not cover the price and that they have done great harm and perpetuated the suffering of the Chinese people on the mainland.

We can affirm that there is no possibility of modernizing the mainland while Chinese Communist tyranny endures. Regardless of the Communist line, whether revisionist or non-revisionist, it is doomed so long as the fundamentals of Marxism-Leninism and Mao Tse-tung thought are not renounced.

Asian crisis and world changes

Unfortunately, "normalization of relations" between the United States and the Chinese Communist regime triggered an Asian crisis which reached its peak this year. We have pointed out that the "normalization of relations" was a shot in the arm for Chinese Communist totalitarian rule and a staggering blow for the Chinese people's movement against slavery and tyranny and for freedom. Instead of ensuring Asian security, this has encouraged Communist expansion and subversion abroad. This is especially true with regard to the policy of "uniting with the Chinese Communists against Russia." Such an impractical and extremely risky venture is bound to have very serious consequences for the United States and for the Asian-Pacific region. There will also be an adverse impact on the free world as a whole.

Many facts of the last year demonstrate that there is no "par­allel interest" between the United States and the Chinese Communist regime. Despite their rivalry, the Chinese and Russian Communists pursue the identical goal of communizing the world. Communist influence has become more pronounced than ever in the Middle East, Near East, Southeast Asia, Northeast Asia, Africa and Latin America. Drastic changes in Iran, the war between Chinese and Vietnamese Communist forces, the exodus of Indochina refugees, the new Cuban threat to Latin America and the continental United States, and the all-out military expansionism of Russia have combined to aggravate the free world crisis as a whole. All of these developments are directly or indirectly the result of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Washington and Peiping. In actuality, the Chinese Communists have no ability to act as a counter-weight against the Russian Communists, so the U.S. policy of "uniting with the Chinese Communists" cannot restrain the Soviet Union. On the con­trary, the Chinese Communists have been encouraged to stir up disturbances against world peace in various places and Russia has been stimulated to accelerate and expand its rivalry with the United States, thus contributing to end­less evils.

The world situation is fundamentally still a competition between democracy and totalitarian­ism and a confrontation between the free world and the Communist bloc. The new development is the complex and diversifying polarization of the world's politi­cal arena and the gradual decline of Russian and U.S. importance in this multi-polar change. In the course of this, U.S. influence on world developments has been reduced. Since the U.S. establish­ment of diplomatic relations with the Chinese Communists and the introduction of the Chinese Com­munist regime into international organizations, the world situation has become further confused and U.S. credibility and leadership in the free world have been undermined. The collaboration between the United States and the Chinese Communist regime has compelled Russia to reorder its international policies. The Soviet Union tends to exploit its strategic superiority and back up its diplomacy with armed forces. This apparently will lead to increased Soviet pres­sure on the United States and the free world and aggravate world tension. This is the root of the current world crisis and one which must be extirpated so that the source of international turmoil can be eliminated.

We are located on the edge of the southeastern coast of the Asian continent. As we are on the frontline of the Pacific, we control the Taiwan Straits and the traffic lanes from Northeast Asia to South Asia. In curbing the expansion of Communism, we hold a pivotal geopolitical defense position. No matter what the changes in international politics and so long as the confrontation between the democratic camp and the Communist bloc continues, the Republic of China will remain on the democratic side. The Tai­wan Straits will always be strategi­cally important to the Asian-Pacific region We shall never abandon our role as an anti-Communist outpost of the free world. The severance of ROC-U.S. diplo­matic relations and the termina­tion of the Mutual Defense Treaty may change the relationship be­tween the two countries but cannot change the strategic realities. Nor can there be any change in our determination to struggle against Communism and for na­tional recovery. We shall continue to display the spirit of persever­ance and fortitude and the ability for self-establishment and self­-reliance, thereby taking up a heavier burden and continuing to contribute our utmost strength to ensure the peace and security of the Asian-Pacific region.

Once again, we must clearly point out: A democratic and free China can never emerge on the mainland under Chinese Commu­nist rule. Until Communism has been wiped out, there will never be a strong and prosperous China, nor can Asia and the world have security and peace.

Smashing of the Chinese Communist united front conspiracy is the most forceful counterattack

The Chinese Communists have opposed us with one united front trick after another. These tricks are still being played as they stand on the edge of disintegration. They attempt to use the false image of an open society to conceal their defeat and their crimes, hoping to confuse the view and impressions of the world. They have attempted to create schism and subvert our own ranks. Our answer is simple: We shall never negotiate with the Chinese Com­munists, never compromise with them and never change our posi­tion under any circumstances.

The reason for this is not hard to find: Our anti-Communist undertaking is a struggle between the Three Principles of the People and Communism, a struggle between democracy and totalitarian­ism, and a struggle between two diametrically opposed ways of thought and life. This is also a struggle between our efforts to save the nation and the people and the Chinese Communists' attempt to ravage the nation and the people. There are no grounds for accommodation. Communism on the Chinese mainland has reached a blind alley and its defeat is ordained. So our policy of never negotiating and never com­promising with the Chinese Communists is the most effective way to smash their united front tricks and also the strongest means of counterattack to expedite their destruction.

The Three Principles of the People originated by the Tsungli embodies the great philosophy of thousands of years of Chinese cultural spirit and political theory. The national spirit is the body and national culture is the back­bone. The Three Principles begins with the word "people," em­phasizes the concept of "benevo­lence" and brings the thought of "love" into the picture. The Three Principles of the People regards the "world that belongs to the people" as the highest ideal of social transformation and makes "love of the people and kindness to all creatures" the basic principle of government administration. Communism is centered on "con­flict" and "struggle." With the addition of Mao Tse-tung thought by the Chinese Communist regime, Communism has become a heresy violating rationality, hu­manity and humanitarianism, and also an anti-Chinese spell of the devil which is forever unacceptable to the Chinese people. The Tsungrsai said: "As the Three Principles of the People commands the world with benevolence, it is followed by the people. As Communism commands the people with violence, it is rejected." Victory will be ours and we shall surely succeed in building a new China based on the Three Principles of the People. This historic task falls on the shoulders of every free Chinese.

Serving as the vanguard of the people with one will and concentrated effort

Comrades, it is undeniably true that this task falls squarely on the shoulders of every one of our comrades, because our Party has always accepted permanent responsibility for carrying out the Three Principles of the People, safeguarding the constitutional system of the Republic of China and promoting the national construction of the people, by the people and for the people. As members of the Party, each of us must shoulder up this responsi­bility. We must vie with each other to accept what is an inescapable responsibility.

Keeping in mind this sincere sense of responsibility and current political developments, I am con­vinced that a strong Party is crucial to success of the Revolution and that Party construction is the forerunner of national construction. Besides unswerving faith in the Three Principles of the People, every Party member must have the revolutionary am bit ion to save the nation and the people and possess the spirit of sacrificing for the nation and the people. We must make clear that as mem­bers of the Kuomintang of China, we shall not strive for fame or wealth and that we shall never be intimidated by hardship or struggle. We must devote ourselves to the service of the country and the welfare of the people. This is the way to forge the Party and the people into one, make the Party live in the hearts of the people and win the people's confidence. This is the way to give the Party a new lease on life and additional strength, and this is also the way to assume the responsibility for opening up the way to national development.

As we meet here today to review ourselves ill modesty, we shall find that most of us have exerted and dedicated ourselves with vigor. But inescapably there will be some who want to live in a fool's paradise, who are in a mood to seek creature comforts or who are doubtful or apathetic about the future of the Party and the nation. Their existence has given the Party organization the appearance of an absence of vitality, the Party's activities the appearance of lacking determina­tion, the Party's discipline the appearance of laxness and the Party's policy and decisions the appearance of being hard to carry out. Does this mean that our Party has been weakened? De­finitely not. Our revolutionary position has al ways remained firm. Does this mean that our Party has become senile? No, that is definitely not so, because the thought of the Three Principles of the People is always young. What, then, is the reason for such an anomaly? It seems to me, as I have said, that the affliction involves the psychology of "seeking to live in a fool's paradise" and of "seeking to lead a luxurious life." The prosperity and stability in this bastion of national revival during the last 30 years have tended to erode the revolutionary spirit and blunted the vigor for hard struggle of some comrades who are content with the status quo. Prosperity and stability have even persuaded them to welcome comfort and frown on work. In meeting here today, we must heighten our vigilance against this tendency.

We need to restore the vigor demonstrated by the Party during the periods of the national found­ing and the Northward Expedi­tion. These were times when our comrades moved straight ahead with great courage. When one of our comrades fell, the comrade behind him moved up to take his place. We need also to restore the noble spirit of placing the nation and the people above everything else, as was the case during the campaigns to suppress the Communists and the War of Resistance Against Japan. This calls for the enhancement of our revo­lutionary spirit, the raising of our sights and the summoning of greater courage to overcome greater difficulties and assure that we shall carry out greater tasks.

These are some of the signifi­cant tasks that the Kuomintang of China is required to carry out at this time:

- Ensure the security and well-being of the bastion of national revival on Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu.

- Break through the multiple rings of difficulties to provide for survival and further development.

- Consolidate the foundation of the rule of law, safeguard the people's free life and promote democratic political measures and establishments.

- Enlarge the influence of cul­tural, political, economic and social development and extend it to the mainland.

- Enhance Party morale, strengthen the Party organization and improve the Party's functions so that it can serve as the spear­head of the people.

We call each other comrades because we have made the Three Principles of the People our cen­tral thought, because we are struggling for our common cause and because we are moving forward with concerted steps and treating each other with the sincerity of brothers. Let us link our hearts in seeking further renovation and further progress so as to provide a new lease on life for the Party and for national recovery and development.

Our central tasks of the day

Now I should like to urge my comrades to devise, study and consider carefully the strategy of our common struggle for national recovery and reconstruction and map out concrete and workable plans to be implemented through our concerted efforts and adhered to by all. We shall make them the criteria of our common en­deavors so we can consummate our task at an early date.

First, I want to propose some central tasks of the day:

- To accelerate the recovery of the mainland for national reconstruction. This is our major task. Our compatriots on the mainland have endured Communist tyranny for 30 years and are eagerly waiting to live and work in peace. We should make a political landing on the mainland with the fruit of the experience gained by developing this bastion of national revival in keeping with the Three Principles of the People. This landing should be followed by various actions to destroy the Chinese Communist regime, fulfill the aspirations of our mainland compatriots and ensure democra­cy, freedom and the future of Chinese institutions.

- To strengthen overall de­velopment of the nation and the foundation of national recovery and reconstruction. This is a precondition for recovery of the mainland. In accordance with the current and future development needs of the country, we should work out long-range and medium­-range plans for national development. The aim is to increase national power and ensure na­tional security by establishing the direction and pace of develop­ment in the perspective of nation­ al defense, economy, culture, education and society. Additionally, we should seek a rational allocation of the fruits of development to assure that the nation will become stronger and more pros­perous, society will move ahead and the people will achieve greater happiness.

- To improve political devel­opment and consolidate the unity of the people as a whole. This is the precondition of national stability and progress. In accordance with the overriding prin­ciple of constitutional government and the implementation of the rule of law, we should correct all of our political defects and shortcomings, accept a wider range of views from the people, en­large the basis of participation and establish a law-abiding, responsible and harmonious demo­cratic political foundation. We should establish a democratic political system characterized by order, rectitude and rationality so that all the people can march forward together in opposing Communism and upholding na­tional recovery.

- To link the hearts and strengthen the anti-Communist and patriotic activities of overseas Chinese. This is an urgent task in suppressing Chinese Communist united front conspiracies abroad. We should mobilize all our strength, improve our combat con­dition and expand the area of our activities abroad in keeping with current developments. We should make sure that overseas Chinese are united as one in anti-Communism and for national salvation and prepared to rally under our national flag to win a great victory in the struggle against the enemy.

To enlarge the popular base of our Party, establish a progressive system, strengthen the call of the Party and further the Party's influence in society. This is a primary undertaking of our Party in the current revolutionary situation. We should promote the superseding of old cadres by new, improvement of cadre quality, strengthening of the Party or­ganization, restoration of the confidence of Party members and provision of active service to the people. This will help the Party shoulder more difficult responsibilities and make greater contributions to the democracy, stability and progress of China.

The Party's fundamental policies in the current stage

To carry out these tasks, I must reiterate that the Party is determined to adhere to these fundamental policies:

- The Republic of China will continue to remain firmly in the democratic camp and is prepared to strengthen our communications with all countries of the free world and promote friendly and cooperative relations based on the principle of reciprocity. Our anti-Communist position is always clear. We are determined to eradicate the Red danger and make utmost efforts to maintain world peace.

- We affirm that the Chinese Communist regime is un-Chinese from top to bottom and a rebel group which runs counter to Chi­nese culture. So we have no room for compromise with it. To terminate the enemy's military adventures, we shall do all we can to develop modern defense facili­ties, carry out a policy of elite forces and strengthen our defense capability. If the Chinese Com­munists dare to threaten us with military force, we shall not be afraid and will rise up to fight, although we are not bellicose. The scope of the fighting would certainly not be limited to the area of the Taiwan Straits. We believe that such a war would ignite an anti-Communist conflagration on the mainland and that the tyrannical Chinese Communist regime would be de­stroyed.

- We affirm that democratic and constitutional government is a broad thoroughfare along which national politics must move. We shall continue to march forward and never retreat. From now on, we shall address ourselves more actively to developing the basics of democracy, including further fulfillment of the functions of public opinion, strengthening of the rule of law and enhancing the concept of responsible politics. These three goals will be sought simultaneously.

Although we attach impor­tance to the safeguarding of human rights and freedom, we attach even greater importance to the security of the nation and society so as to establish a stable democracy in which freedom will not be transformed into permissive­ness and democracy will not take a turn toward violence. As always, our Party will join with our com­patriots in the common effort to implement democratic rule. We shall adhere to the principle of selflessness and assume an open­-minded attitude in keeping with the past spirit of sacrifice.

- We affirm that the "Taiwan independence movement" is contrary to the national conscience, and we shall never countenance its spread and growth. The destiny of Taiwan is an inalienable part of the revival of the Chinese people. This was so in the past, it is so today and it will be so in the future when Taiwan becomes the blessed land for national re­covery. So it is that the concept of "Taiwan independence" can never be tolerated by patriotic Chinese. This concept ignores our ancestral roots as well as the joint history, geography, culture and blood of Taiwan and the Chinese mainland. It also runs counter to the anti-Communist revolutionary situation and the future of national recovery, and represents an unconscious falling into the Chinese Communist trap of schism and subversion. The concept must be eradicated.

- We affirm that the direction of our economic development in­volves continued emphasis on stability and growth. We should seek vigorous growth with stability, improve the distribution of income and promote social welfare during the course of develop­ment. This will enable us to assure that the fruits of develop­ment are truly enjoyed by all the people and help us construct a vital, efficient and equalitarian society characterized by justice.

- We affirm that the ultimate goal of national development is the furtherance and perpetuation of our national culture. In its promotion of various development projects and the pursuit of political, economic and social modernization, the government seeks to make the country strong and the people rich. Above all is the contribution to be made to our great national culture through the progress of national development.

- We affirm that this is the significant moment to open up a new vista and lay a firm founda­tion to assure that our Party inherits the past and establishes the future. Our Tsungli and Tsungtsai have said that our Party is not a political organization to be used for seizing power and making profit. Rather, it is a political organization dedicated to work, sacrifice and creation. As our Party is revolutionary and demo­cratic, we must place the people above all else and engage in con­tinuous renovation. The current revolutionary situation does not allow us to temporize. We must put our minds to the task of rectifying our faults, understand­ing the real environment and set­ting the direction of our struggle. We must undertake a thorough review of our Party's organization and cadre training, the function of party politics and our social services and cultural information activities. We must assure that our Party is ready to meet the requirement of modern demo­cratic politics. We must make certain that Party members have a sense of responsibility and loyal­ty. It is our hope that Party renovation will lead to overall renovation and that the Party's gains will trigger overall progress.

- We affirm our new policy and principles of action for ac­tivities on the mainland. Our overall objective is to hasten the collapse of the Chinese Commu­nist regime by inspiring an all-out uprising of our compatriots on the mainland. We should take advantage of mainland realization of the crimes committed by the Chinese Communists and of main­land hopes for survival and freedom to assure vigorous accelera­tion of activities behind the enemy lines based on the formidable power of the Three Principles of the People. We should grasp every opportunity and all manner of favorable factors to create a new horizon for the anti-Communist revolution. We should defeat the Chinese Communist party from within the Chinese Communist party and should counterattack the Chinese mainland from the Chinese mainland. We should make the mainland the source of our newly born forces and prepare the way for certain victory.

- We affirm that the unity of all the people is of supreme importance today. Only through unity can we survive. Only through unity can we be strong. Anyone who is committed to the cause of anti-Communism and na­tional recovery, the well-being of the people, the enduring develop­ment of the Republic of China and the re-establishment of a free and unified China on the basis of the Three Principles of the People will be our friend no matter what his place of origin. We must discard selfishness and cooperate in unity to move forward hand in hand. The ruling party will ad­here to a consistent, aboveboard and sincere attitude in the common struggle for the interest of nation and people together and in unison with all of our anti-Communist and patriotic friends at home and abroad. I am confident that with the public interest as the overriding factor in settling differences, nothing can stand in the way of our unity and any obstacle to unity can be removed.

Signposts for the long-range development of our bastion of national revival

Looking to the future, we can affirm that the Chinese Com­munists will disappear and that the mainland will be recovered, even if it is difficult to foretell the timing. This may occur soon, or a considerable time may be re­quired In order to consolidate our bastion of national revival and implement the guidelines and plans already specified, we shall need to prepare long-range devel­opment programs. In the next decade we must continue to aug­ment experience and fruits of development based on the Three Principles of the People and perfect our preparations to recover the Chinese mainland and estab­lish a new China. We should work out a long-range plan covering the next ten years and based on our current foundation, thereby making the 1980s the era of the rebirth of China and visualizing a reconstructed China in the perspective of the freedom, prosperi­ty, stability and progress to be found in this bastion of national revival.

We clearly understand that the coming ten years will be a decade of drastic political and economic change in the world and of deteriorating disorder on the Chinese mainland. The Republic of China may suffer more buffetings, but as long as we can continue our unremitting struggle through self-reliance, we shall still be able to march toward victory during these ten years. We shall weigh carefully the domestic and international factors which mayor may not be under our control as we establish the orientation of our development and erect our signposts along the road of com­mon struggle.

Now allow me to present a number of targets for our overall national development in the ten years from 1981 to 1990. I hope you will study and discuss them and prepare resolutions to be referred to our comrades working in government for their planning of implementation. These are my ideas:

- To restructure the national defense system for self-reliance, strengthen combat efficiency and capability of the three armed forces and maintain maximum vigilance and preparation. Additionally, to hasten the develop­ment of the national defense industry with self-sufficiency of major military equipment and parts as the objective.

- To lay the foundation for establishment of an overall social security system by strengthening labor welfare and continuing the gradual expansion of social insurance while looking toward the goal of insurance for all.

- To promote the second phase of land reform by moving forward toward the goal of "making the best use of the land and assuring that the benefits of the land are enjoyed by all."

- To seek average economic growth of 8 per cent annually.

- To anticipate that in ten years the gross national product per capita will reach NT$220,000 at the current value, which would be equivalent to US$6,200 and about four times the present amount.

- To strengthen the found­ation of the free economy by encouraging the development of medium and small businesses and promoting investment in both the public and private sectors. Invest­ment for the ten years is expected to reach NT$6,000 billion.

- To further agricultural development by guaranteeing the prices of additional farm products and by raising the per capita income of farm households. Our goal is gradually to increase the farmer's income to a level close to that of the non-farmer.

- To reduce the natural growth rate of the population to 1.25 per cent and strive for eugenic improvement.

- To promote grass roots improvements by building 600,000 housing units, ensuring electricity for every household, providing running water for 85 per cent of the population and extending highway and communi­cations networks to every village.

- To augment training in vocational skills and help young people find jobs. Our goal calls for increase of 1 million skilled workers.

- To ensure that nine-year education is compulsory and to extend the period of further education based on vocational training.

Having carried out all these programs in ten years, we shall have joined the ranks of the developed nations. By that time we shall have built an equitable, harmonious and vigorous society based on the ideal of the equitable distribution of wealth set forth in the Principle of Social Welfare so that all the people can live and work in peace, enjoy equal opportunity for fair com­petition and display to the full their talent and intelligence. Everyone will be assured a basic standard of living and the freedom to develop. By that time, we can offer the world a socioeconomic model marked by stability and balance. Even more important, we shall have made a blueprint for the reconstruction of the Chinese mainland so that in the end every Chinese will share the sweet fruit of develop­ment based on the Three Principles of the People.

Brethren of the mainland, let us always stick together

At this fourth plenary session of the Party's 11th Central Committee, all resolutions and deliberations tend to center on one topic: How to expedite the consummation of mainland recovery so as to liberate our suffering brethren there at an early date. For 30 years we have been haunted by the necessity of carrying out this historic task. Consequently, we have always held high the banner of national justice in order to keep the Chinese beacon of hope burning brightly. We have relied on nationalistic sentiments and kindred compassion to encourage our brethren on the mainland to persevere and rise up.

Now our mainland brethren have stood up against the so-called proletarian dictatorship and against the socialist road. They have risen up to topple the Chinese Communist leadership and repudiate Marxism-Leninism and Mao Tse-tung thought. We must immediately extend brother­ly helping hands and provide effective support via all possible channels. Whether our help is moral or material, we must use the most vigorous and forceful of actions and methods to respond to their call and undertakings. With response from the inside and support from the out­side, the uprising can be transformed into an earthshaking, dynamic anti-Communist movement to wipe out the tyrannical Communist rule that has damaged the nation and imperiled the people.

To all intrepid and defiant anti-Communist fighters, I say that the dawn will come soon. As long as you persist in your determination and faith, continue your efforts and fight to the finish against slavery and totalitarianism and for freedom and happiness, your cause will surely be crowned by victory in the end. Although we are separat­ed by a strip of sea and live in two completely different worlds, we are bound together by blood and our hearts are joined. We are all offspring of our Chinese ancestors, and we share the same tragedy or triumph. Since we are fighting for the same anti-Communist cause, we soon will be able to come together, join hands and sing the song of triumph as we carry out our aspirations for national recon­struction and the creation of a new world for all of us.

We want to reiterate here that all the pledges made by the late President Chiang Kai-shek, by our central government and by this Party to our brethren on the mainland, to Communist soldiers and cadres and to various parties and factions will be honored without fail. Moreover, we also pledge that the Three People's Principles system of development in this bastion of national revival will be extended to the mainland to enable all Chinese to live in peace, harmony, happiness and well-being.

Unification of China based on the Three Principles of the People

Comrades, the hard facts of the last 30 years show that the evil of Communism and the corruption of Communist rule have paralyzed the mainland, made it inept and stifled the people. The price has been pyrrhic and the evidence has piled up in the blood and lives of tens of millions of people. A gener­ation of the Chinese have suffered in this crucible of agony. Who would say that this dark age should not be ended as quickly as possible? Who would say that Communism should not be erased from history?

The 5,000 years of Chinese history provides a record of accumulated precious cultural experience marked by both orderly rule and turmoil, by both commendable administrations and times of darkness. But never has there been a record to compare with the rabidness and atrocities of the Chinese Commu­nists. In introducing Marxism-Leninism into China to tyrannize the people, they became rebels against the people. In repudiating Chinese history and culture, they became historical criminals. Although they will unquestion­ably be repudiated by Chinese history and culture, history is written only by man's will and actions. We cannot wait for the moment when the Chinese Communist regime is eliminated historically. We ourselves must act vigorously to accelerate the evolving of this historical development.

China must be reunited and China must be made prosperous and strong. Every Chinese aspires to lead a life free from terror and free from want. Two different ways of life now lie before the Chinese, and they can make their choice in accordance with the dictates of their conscience. Which course will make China prosperous and strong and the people happy? Shall there be unification under the Three Principles of the People? All Chinese must recognize their responsibility to history before they make their choice. This is the so-called "China problem."

Facts bear out that Commu­nism on the Chinese mainland has failed totally and that the Chinese people there are in des­pair; on the other hand, the development in this bastion of national revival based on the Three Principles of the People has succeeded and the people are leading affluent lives and have great vitality. The genuine unification of China will be achieved through the liberalization of the Chinese mainland and the carrying out of the Three Principles of the People.

Comrades of our whole Party: With this strong conviction and out of this sacred responsibility, let us join in proclaiming:

- The constitutional system of the Republic of China based on the Three Principles of the People will never be changed.

- The scope of development in this bastion of national revival based on the Three Principles of the People will be enlarged, strengthened and extended to the mainland.

- The effort to recover the mainland will not be mitigated until Chinese Communist tyranni­cal rule is eradicated.

- The pollution of Commu­nism on the mainland must be cleansed so that the flag of Blue Sky and White Sun can shine over the beautiful land.

Let our people unite and our people in the four seas dedicate their hearts to sacrifices and contributions for the restoration of a free, democratic and new China.

My comrades, based on these proclamations, members of the Party should not hesitate to carry out their pledges with sweat, blood and even their lives, thereby honoring their faith in the Three Principles of the People and demonstrating their revolutionary intentions. Additionally, we should bring to bear the full scope of our revolutionary spirit, assemble the will power of all Chinese sons and daughters in the world and unite with all other peoples everywhere who treat us equally in the common struggle. Then we can open up a broad new highway for the newborn China based on the Three Principles of the People and enable this new China to contribution the genuine peace of the world to come.

The Tsungtsai has told us: "The opening of a new vista always comes at the most critical movement revival takes place at the point of greatest danger." Today we are at this turning point. We are filled with confidence and hope. We are fueled by the burning anti-Communist will power of the people as a whole and propelled by our hatred of Communism as we march courageously toward completion of our historic task of national recovery and reconstruction.

Let us join in prayers for the brilliant future of the Kuomintang of China.

