Trip of appeasement
The Chung Yang Jih Pao (Central Daily News) of June 12 said that Henry Kissinger's forthcoming visit to Red China is to appease the Maoists after the Nixon-Brezhnev summit talks.
The paper said: "On the surface, the trip appears to have been initiated by the United States. In reality, it is a product of the threats and seduction of Red China.
"Fallout from the Maoists' 15th nuclear test, which was timed to coincide with the conclusion of the Nixon-Brezhnev talks, is reaching California to remind Nixon that Peiping also possesses nuclear teeth.
"Red China may make a 10 per cent concession on the Khmer problem if the United States concedes 30 per cent. But the Maoists will take back their 10 per cent one day and demand double interest.
"We urge our American friends not to dance to the seductive tune of the Maoists."
The Lien Ho Pao (United Daily News) said the United States is banking on Red China to help solve the Khmer problem.
The paper said: "The United States hopes that Red China will influence North Vietnam to press Sihanouk into a compromise. In our opinion, the fundamental issue is the U.S. attitude towards Cambodia. If the United States suspends bombings, the situation will favor the Communists. The Reds will use delaying tactics until they are strong enough to attack Phnom Penh. "If the United States continues to bomb, the Communists may make concessions."
The Chung Kuo Shih Pao (China Times) of July 11 said agreements between the United States and Russia have complicated Peiping's rift with Moscow.
The paper said: "Whether the Russians launch a surprise nuclear attack on the Chinese Communists depends on the international situation and the changing relationship between the United States and U.S.S.R. If the Russians do not attack, they still will step up political pressure on Peiping.
"Although Peiping-Moscow reconciliation is out of the question, the Chinese Communists may try to make use of the United States in resisting the Russians. However, Washington will not risk war with Russia for the sake of Red China.
"National security is the great concern of the United States. Before the Nixon-Brezhnev agreements, the United States used Red China to hem in Russia. Now Peiping's usefulness has been ended. The United States will continue to appease the Maoists, but not to the point of breaking with the Soviets."
International new look
The Chung Kuo Shih Pao (China Times) of June 27 said the Nixon-Brezhnev talks changed the international situation.
The paper said: "The roles of the so-called five powers in the international community have been established as follows:
(1) The United States and the U.S.S.R. recognize themselves as the leading powers of two entirely different social systems. Western Europe, Japan, and Red China are not on the same level as the superpowers.
"(2) The United States and the U.S.S.R. have agreed not to seek supremacy in nuclear weapons. The two countries will accept a defense stand-off.
"(3) The two will forge new ties through trade, scientific and technological cooperation, and cultural interflow.
"We cannot conclude that an international balance has been reached. But there is less confusion.
"If a new international order is established, Mao's dream of a third world will be shattered."
The Lien Ho Pao (United Daily News) said the world will not be converted to peace overnight.
The paper said: "These developments have led to the dramatic change in relations between the United States and the Soviet Union:
(1) The confrontation between Red China and Soviet Russia, which led the latter to cultivate the United States and try to drive a wedge between Washington and Peiping.
"(2) Russia's hope of stabilizing Europe before coping with Red China.
"(3) The Soviet Union's need to solve its economic problems.
"Brezhnev's success implies Mao's failure."
The Chung Yang Jih Pao of June 26 said it is doubtful that the Nixon-Brezhnev summit will end the cold war.
The paper said, "Declarations will not ensure peace unless they are accompanied by guarantees. Stalin signed treaties with Hitler and kissed the foreign minister of Japan during World War II. Moscow stole the treasures of northeastern China and supported the betrayal of the Chinese Communists after signing a treaty of friendship with the Republic of China.
"President Nixon dreams of reaching peace through agreement ignoring the reality of the ideology gap and conflicting interests. How can we believe that declarations can end the world's complicated cold wars? "
The Lien Ho Pao said: "The summit talks may make important progress in eliminating war crises and establishing more constructive relations between the United States and Russia.
"The visit is also an international diversion to overshadow the Watergate scandal. Nixon's prestige will be raised and his credibility restored."
United Daily News (聯合報)
Concessions to Hanoi
The Lien Ho Pao (United Daily News) of June 15 said the new Paris accord indicates the United States has made major concessions to North Vietnam and the Viet Congo.
The paper said: "The future of Indochina, including Laos and Cambodia, is still up in the air. The United States has not insisted that North Vietnam's troops be pulled out of South Vietnam and has agreed to recognize areas controlled by the Communists. The Viet Cong will step up political struggle and try to seize power without fighting.
"Recognition of the Viet Cong as a government has strengthened enemy morale. The Nixon administration also has agreed to suspend air reconnaissance over North Vietnam, resume economic aid talks with Hanoi and resume the sweeping of mines in North Vietnamese waters."
The Chung Kuo Shih Pao said concessions of the United States will solidify the position of the North Vietnamese and Viet Cong in South Vietnam.
The paper said: "President Thieu's hopes of expelling the Communists from politics in South Vietnam through democratic elections are being shattered. The Paris communique is a reaffirmation of the Geneva agreements of 1954 and 1962 which the Communists have never respected."
The Chung Hua Jih Pao (China Daily News) said North Vietnam will continue the invasion of South Vietnam and the rest of Indochina. "South Vietnam has been weakened rather than strengthened," the paper said.
The China News said the Paris agreement to make the January ceasefire effective has no teeth.
The paper said: "If the Communists have not observed the accord reached last January, why should they heed this week's repetition of the terms?
"North Vietnam had decided that it is unnecessary to make even the smallest concessions.
"In Hanoi's view, Richard Nixon has lost his option of a bombing resumption as a result of Watergate plus increasing American disinterest in the Indochina wars.
"President Nixon has, in fact, retreated even farther than before by agreeing to terminate reconnaissance flights over North Vietnam.
"The Americans showed strength and determination only in refusing to terminate bombings in Cambodia until there is a ceasefire there.
"Presumably any Cambodian truce will depend on whether North Vietnam keeps its promise to withdraw ground forces which are sparking the attack on the Lon Nol government.
"Hanoi will of course claim to be making such withdrawals. A similar claim was made in Laos more than 10 years ago; the North Vietnamese are still there.
"Cambodia could be lost if the United States were to put its trust in Communist promises and suspend the bombings prematurely.
"What was true before the new communique is still true. The future of South Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos will be decided by the success or failure of repulsing the Communist aggressors and not in any pacts signed with them."
The Shin Sheng Pao of July 2 said President Nixon's deadline for stopping the U.S. bombing in Indochina only serves to undermine the chance of peace in Cambodia.
The paper said: "This was like a card player exposing his hand. Hopes for a ceasefire are now only wishful thinking. The situation of the Lon Nol government is serious. Communists have occupied strategic areas and interrupted communications. Phnom Penh is an isolated city. Ceasefire negotiations will undermine Cambodian morale.
"Cambodia needs American air support and military supplies to survive.
"The Vietnam ceasefire has not brought a just and lasting peace to South Vietnam. Cambodia can expect nothing from a ceasefire.
"We hope the government and people of Cambodia will stand up in self-reliance and defend themselves. The United States should bomb harder and plan the defense of air and sea lanes from Cambodia to South Vietnam before August 15. Only if Cambodia can defend herself is there any possibility of negotiating peace."
The China News said the Vietnam ceasefires are fraudulent. The paper said: "The Vietnam ceasefires are a fraud. The prospect of peace by appealing to Communist goodwill and humanitarianism is nil. Any peace through talk will be phony.
"President Thieu has warned of more bloody fighting ahead. He and the people of South Vietnam are aware that they must fight or be communized. There isn't any other choice.
"Strangely, most of the free world appears determined to continue acting on the assumption that the Communists can be dealt with on a basis of reason, that they will keep their word, and that coexistence is as possible between North and South Vietnam as between the U.S.S.R. and the U.S.
"Thailand, for example, has renewed its call on the Chinese Communists to stop backing Thai insurgents. Deputy Prime Minister Prapass Charusathira said that Bangkok and Peiping could have good relations, if the Chinese Communists would just desist from supporting those who seek destruction of the Thai government.
"Do the leaders of Thailand really believe that the Chinese Communists would ever stop trying to overthrow the anti-Communist Royal Government of Thailand?
"Such naivete would be almost beyond belief. Yet we do have the fact of a Chinese Communist table tennis team now playing in Thailand and the further fact that Thai players will be going to the Chinese mainland in August.
"Is another sheep to lie down with the tiger? "
New Life Daily News (台灣新生報)
July Fourth greetings
The Shin Sheng Pao of July 4 saluted the United States on its national day.
The paper said: "U.S. Ambassador Walter P. McConaughy called on Foreign Minister Shen Chang-huan to invite the people and government of the Republic of China to participate in the 1976 bicentennial of American independence. This is an expression of the close and constructive relationship between the countries.
"Americans can be counted upon to fulfill their obligations as responsible allies. We hope the leader of the free world will uphold the ideals of its founding fathers in the international arena.
"After accepting lip service from the Communists, the United States now is compelled to watch the South Vietnamese situation deteriorating day by day. This should be a lesson to the American people.
"Domestically, America is confronted with problems which challenge the wisdom and resourcefulness of its people. We are confident American courage will triumph once again as the Spirit of 1776 prevails."
The Lien Ho Pao of June 10 supported establishment of a permanent organization to promote Sino-American economic cooperation.
The paper said: "The United States is our leading trade partner. Yet there are problems of balance and U.S. restrictions. Sino-American trade relations are not based on careful planning. We have to overcome difficulties and open markets for new products.
"A permanent committee should be set up to improve Sino-American trade communications and cooperation. Periodic conferences could be held to discuss policy and make suggestions to the two governments."