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Taiwan retains top spot in Global Open Data Index

June 16, 2017
Taiwan boasts the most open government data among 94 surveyed countries in the latest Global Open Data Index released June 15 by U.K.-based Open Knowledge International. (Courtesy of OKI)
Taiwan retained top spot for the second year running among 94 surveyed countries in the latest Global Open Data Index published June 15 by U.K.-based Open Knowledge International.
With 80 percent of its government data assessed open, up from 78 percent in the previous index, Taiwan finished ahead of Australia, 53 percent; France, 46 percent; and the U.K., 40 percent.
Of the 15 key categories used to gauge the state of open government data, Taiwan topped 12 with 100 percent openness. The biggest improvement was in land ownership, location and weather forecast, up from 53rd, 49th and seventh, respectively.
The other No. 1 finishes were in administrative boundaries, air quality, company register, draft legislation, election results, government budget, national maps, national statistics and procurement.
In response, the National Development Council said Taiwan’s strong performance in the index represents global recognition of central and local government efforts promoting open data.
According to the council, more than 27,000 data entries are available to the public via various government platforms, with air quality, election results, government budget and real estate transactions possessing the greatest value in terms of innovative applications.
The government will continue releasing accurate and easy-to-use public data in a timely manner, the NDC said, adding that it is also collaborating with the private sector to ensure Taiwan remains an international benchmark in this regard.
Taiwan has adopted numerous measures to promote access to and use of open government data. These include the launch of a promotion plan aimed at encouraging private enterprises and organizations to make greater use of available data sets in 2013, the development of an open government data platform in 2012 and promulgation of the Freedom of Government Information Law in 2005.
In April 2013, Taiwan joined OKI—a nonprofit organization established in 2004 promoting the use of advocacy, technology and training to create and share knowledge. It finished 11th in the 2014 and 36th in the 2013 editions of the index, which serves as a snapshot of the availability of open government data around the world. (SFC-E)
Write to Taiwan Today at ttonline@mofa.gov.tw

