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Paying tribute to Vaclav Havel

December 24, 2011
(CNA photos)

The ROC joins the international community of free societies in paying tribute to former Czech President Vaclav Havel who passed away Dec. 18 at the age of 75.

Havel was among the very few East European leaders who during the 1990s had the courage to publicly articulate his sympathy and support for the lofty cause of the ROC government and its people. He did so by words as well as actions.

For instance, in 1995, during the 50th anniversary of the founding of the U.N., Havel spoke at the General Assembly and took the occasion to voice his country’s support for the ROC to gain entry into the world organization. In retrospect, it was truly an extraordinary and courageous show of statesmanship as well as moral and political principles, especially as the shadow of the Cold War was then still hovering in Europe.

In late 1990s, Havel won the admiration and respect of people in Taiwan when he received former ROC President Lee Teng-hui, first lady Tseng Wen-hui and Premier Lien Chan, when they visited the Czech Republic.

In retrospect, it was also obvious that Havel’s sympathy and support for Taiwan was already nurtured and embedded during the days when he was known at home and abroad as a poet, writer, democracy activist and freedom fighter.

In the eyes of the poet-turned-president, there was no doubt that the ideological value, social vision, and democratic aspiration of the ROC aptly epitomized the dream and hope of the Czech people. In short, Havel saw the convergence of common ideal and interest between the Czech Republic and the ROC, and that geographical distance will not be a barrier to fostering friendship.

The velvet revolution that Havel spearheaded in 1989 in Czechoslovakia soon changed the political landscape in East Europe. The essentially peaceful movement that he led also speaks volumes about Havel’s fundamental thinking as a world-class literati dedicated to non-violent change and peaceful democratic reform.

It is generally recognized that the success of the velvet revolution and the reunification of Germany led to the collapse of communist regimes in Eastern Europe and, last but not least, the subsequent formation of the EU.

As a matter of fact, Havel’s ideological and political ramifications have not been confined to Europe. In Africa, Latin America and Asia, he has left an enduring legacy that an idea is more powerful than any form of military force.

Havel has also showed to the world that a nation fostering soft power for the interest of improving the livelihood of its citizens and mankind deserves the respect and support of the international community. In this regard, as far as the ROC is concerned, the passing of former Czech leader should inspire Taipei and Prague to work closer and further consolidate economic, cultural, academic and technology exchanges.

In paying tribute to Havel, it is also worth noting that in 2004, he was among the few foreign heads of state to receive the Order of Brilliant Star with Special Grand Cordon from the ROC government in recognition of his outstanding contributions in cementing bilateral relations.

Write to Taiwan Today at ttonline@mail.gio.gov.tw


