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Minister Wu hosts welcome banquet for Czech delegation

September 21, 2022
Foreign Minister Jaushieh Joseph Wu (left) presents a token of his appreciation to Sen. Jiri Drahos, leader of the Czech delegation, during a welcome banquet staged by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Sept. 20 in Taipei City. (MOFA)
Foreign Minister Jaushieh Joseph Wu hosted a welcome banquet for a delegation comprising education, science and culture officials and academics from the Czech Republic at the headquarters of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Sept. 20 in Taipei City.
Attended by delegation leader Sen. Jiri Drahos, chairperson of the Senate’s Committee on Education, Science, Culture, Human Rights and Petitions, the event also involved Radka Wildova, deputy minister of education, youth and sports, and Jana Havlikova, deputy minister for science, research and innovation.
Wu said during the banquet that the government and people are deeply grateful for the staunch support from the Czech government. Examples include the Senate’s adoption of a resolution backing Taiwan’s bid for participation in the World Health Assembly and efforts to speak on the country’s behalf during the 75th edition of the World Health Organization’s annual meeting, he added.
The relationship between Taiwan and the Czech Republic is going from strength to strength, Wu said. The two sides are anticipated to continue making headway as they further deepen friendship and expand exchanges in key areas like education and science, he added.
Wu also took the opportunity to thank the delegation for its timely visit despite China’s recent live-fire exercises near and nonstop coercion against Taiwan.
In a tweet on its official Twitter account, the MOFA said: “Minister Wu enjoyed catching up with @jiridrahos1 & meeting other #Taiwan friends at a banquet staged for the #CzechRepublic delegation. Spirits were high as participants celebrated the cherished shared values & vowed to keep the inspiration of the great Václav Havel alive.” (DL-E)
Write to Taiwan Today at ttonline@mofa.gov.tw

