
Taiwan Today

Taiwan Review

They shame the Moon

June 01, 1962
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Three of the most beautiful young ladies of the Republic of China will represent their country in international beauty contests at Long Beach, Miami and London this year.

Eleven judges selected (from left) Miss Helen Liu, Miss Annie Fang and Miss Roxsana Chiang, all 19. Sceptors in hand, the three are being crowned by Miss Dolly Ma, one of three Misses China in 1961 and a finalist at Long Beach.





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Capacity crowds watched the pageantry as 62 girls paraded in the preliminaries (top left).

Only 28 girls made it into semi-finals. They showed pulchritude in play suits (right).

Then with speed of quick-change artists they donned the slitted Chinese chipao (bottom left).





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On the fourth and final night, 15 finalists posed for final judgment (top). Smiling for cameras at the pool of the Grand Hotel in Taipei are the three victorious beauties. Miss Helen Liu is in the violet suit, Miss Annie Fang in the black and Miss Roxsana Chiang in the sky blue (bottom).










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Miss Roxsana Chiang, a home economics student, will go to London in November to compete for the title of Miss World. (top left).

Miss Annie Fang, a plant pathology major at the National Taiwan University, will enter the beauty pageant at Long Beach. (right)

Miss Helen Liu, who attends Yu Ta Commercial School, will head for Miss Universe competition set for Miami in mid-July (bottom left).

