
Taiwan Today

Taiwan Review

Newly Appointed Cabinet Members

October 01, 1988
SHIH Chih-yang
Vice Premier: SHIH Chih-yang
Minister of the Interior: HSU Shui-teh
Minister of Foreign Affairs: LIEN Chan
Minister of Finance: Shirley W.Y. KUO
Minister of Justice: HSIAO Tien-tzang
Minister of Economic Affairs: CHEN Li-an
Chairman of the Council for Economic Planning and Development: Fredrick F. CHIEN
Chairman of the Council for Cultural Planning and Development: KUO Wei-fan
Chairman of the Council of Agriculture: YU Yu-hsien
Chairman of the National Science Council: HSIA Han-min
Chairman of the Research, Development and Evaluation Commission: MA Ying-jeou
Cabinet Secretary-General: Robert C. CHIEN
Mayor of Taipei City: WU Poh-hsiung

SHIH Chih-yang, 53, a native of Taiwan Province, received his LL.D. from Heidelberg University in West Germany. He has held many important posts, such as vice minister of education, vice minister of justice, and minister of justice.

HSU Shui-teh, 57, a native of Kaohsiung City, Taiwan, earned his M.A. degree in education from National Chengchi University. He has been mayor of Kaohsiung and mayor of Taipei.


LIEN Chan, 52, a native of Taiwan Province, received his Ph.D, in political science from the University of Chicago. He has been ambassador to El Salvador, minister of communications, and vice premier.

Shirley W.Y. KUO, 58, a native of Taiwan Province, received her Ph.D. in economics from Kobe University in Japan. She has been vice chairman of the Council for Economic Planning and Development, and deputy governor of the Central Bank of China.

HSIAO Tien-tzang, 54, a native of Taiwan Province, received his bachelor of law degree from National Taiwan University. He has served as court prosecutor from the district to the supreme court levels, and as a legislator and minister of state.

CHEN Li-an, 51, a native of Chekiang Province, earned his Ph.D. in mathematics from New York University. He has been vice minister of education and chairman of the National Science Council.

Fredrick F. CHIEN, 52, a native of Chekiang Province, earned his Ph.D. in international relations from Yale University. He has been director of the Government Information Office, vice foreign minister, and has served in the U.S. as representative of the Coordination Council for North American Affairs.

KUO Wei-fan, 51, a native of Taiwan Province, received his Ph.D. from the university of Paris. He has been president of National Taiwan Normal University and a minister of state.

MA Ying-jeou

MA Ying-jeou, 38, a native of Hunan Province, earned his S.J.D. from Harvard University. He has been deputy secretary-general of the Kuomintang Central Committee, and deputy director of the First Bureau of the Presidential Office.

YU Yu-hsien, 54, a native of Taiwan Province, earned his Ph.D., in agricultural economics from Purdue University. He has been commissioner of the Taiwan Provincial Department of Agriculture and Forestry.

HSIA Han-min, 56, a native of Fukien Province, received his Ph.D. in mechanical engineering from the University of Oklahoma. He has been vice minister of education and president of National Chengkung University.

Robert C. CHIEN, 59, a native of Chekiang Province, received his M.A. in economics from the University of Minnesota. He has been deputy governor of the Central Bank of China and finance minister.

WU Poh-hsiung, 49, a native of Taiwan Province, earned a B.S. degree from National Chengkung University. He has been minister of the interior.

